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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. Dr MacPherson was my dentist since day 1. But I've not been to the dentist since he left and I can't remember the name of my new one. I'm pretty sure he's foreign though.

    Yeah I had Dr MacPherson as well.....I wasn't much keen on him, a bit too rough and often made my teeth sore after just a simple check up. You've probably got Dr Tawfiquar, he's Dr MacPherson's replacement. He's from Birmingham but originates from India. He's an okay dentist I guess.

    B.E: Have you managed to find yourself a dentist yet?

  2. True.

    Can we start this thread going again? I liked it.

    TPBM prefers the Star Wars trilogy to the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

    True, don't particularly like either but Star Wars is better than Lord of The Rings.

    TPBM thinks the Jeremy Kyle show is a good TV programme.

  3. Jeez, a tad too far and like others said, just means if they are going to stab you they'll just go for your face or use other measures to cause damage.

    I just love the way people assume that if you wear a hoody you're a ned/chav/whatever. I wear a hoody and I'm far from a ned.

  4. I've been going to the Holdburn dentist for about 20 years, and the guy who treated me over the years was amazing, although now recently retired. I've a new dentist to replace him - a younger model, if you like!

    Not really much point in telling you that, but och well.

    Regarding tooth extractions, are they painful? I've not had any teeth out since I was about 10 but I have the feeling that one of my 'back ones' needs to come out as it's pretty much destroyed. Actually it's not really the pain that would bother me, it's the blood. I'm nae so good around blood :(:puke:

    Which dentist did you have? Two of them retired just recently. Did you have Dr MacPherson or Dr McEwan? Who do you have now?

    Also, tooth extractions aren't that bad. At the time you don't feel any pain, the dentist will numb your mouth with a few injections....the injections aren't pleasant but they aren't the worst feeling in the world. They make your mouth and some of your face numb which is a weird feeling but it's better than pain. There probably wont be much blood, maybe a little. A clot will form in the hole fairly quickly and as long as that doesn't get dislodged and you rinse with a salt water solution it won't be too bad. After the numbness wears off you'll probably will be a bit sore and you wont be able to eat anything solid.....hope you like soup and the likes! Having a tooth extracted isn't the nicest experience in the world but there's worse things.

  5. I think my dentist, which is the Holburn Dentist (just before you get to ASDA at Garthdee on Holburn St) may be taking on some NHS patients, they were a few weeks ago...don't know if they still are atm. They aren't too expensive if you go private with them I dont think but then, I've never had any serious dental work done.

    I'd give them a try though, you might get lucky.

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