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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. Was a pretty good gig. I have to admit, I chuckled a bit at Wifebeater and like The Ghost of Fudge said, folk didnt know whether to be amused or offended......which was amusing to watch.

    Onion Terror were great, always a pleasure to see. Paul looked rather fetching in his pirate hat/hair. Lol.

    It was all good until the aftermath of the chilli challenge......oh my, I've never seen so much vomit....gads.

  2. To be fair, the kids causing trouble hanging out on the streets aren;t going to be feeding animals at a farm. Where's the street cred in that?!

    I can see where you are coming from but, these days, a lot of kids hang about on the streets causing trouble simply because they are bored and don't have anything else to do.

    As Stripey mentioned, there used to be plenty of Youth Clubs, etc for kids but these days they seem to be few and far between.

    Instead of wasting millions of pounds renting and refurbishing Marischal College, the Council could save Doonies and the animals there. Along with funding youth clubs and sports centres for kids. Therefore, reducing the problem of kids hanging about on the streets and help to reduce the rates of childhood obesity.

    The Council seems to be only looking out for themselves, not for the people of Aberdeen. It's a disgrace.

  3. It's a shame to see Doonies go. I have lots of good childhood memories from there and it's a shame for the future generations that wont get to experience Doonies. Aberdeen City Council is a joke. They close down lots of well used amenities and then they'll whine even more about kids hanging about on the streets. What are they supposed to do when there is naff all for them to do?! Also, with the rates of childhood obesity rising, we need the swimming pools, sports centres, etc now more than ever.

    As for no one paying attention to online petitions, why would people bother if they didn't have any affect? Even if they just bring more attention to the subject, surely it's a good thing.

  4. If you look at their pofile, you'd see that they are 20.

    Have to admit, I landed myself in hospital through drinking too much.....mainly to be treated for hypothermia. Oops. I've learnt my lesson now though, I'll never drink that much again. I felt like such a twat and disappointed a lot of people.

  5. Your overuse of exclamation marks suggest you may in fact actually be a mentalist :p

    Like everyone said, best bet is to interview people, check references and don't just settle for someone you think you can bare. You need to be 100% certain you can live with this person. Also, try checking websites of like the hospital and stuff. There is quite often advertisements of people needing somewhere to stay on there.

  6. There wasn't a single arshole present

    I'll have to disagree with you there. Never have I ended up so pissed off while at a gig at The Moorings. Some members of the crowd there were pretty dick head-ish. I'm pretty small and I had to deal with guys twice my size banging into me and shoving me around. Sure, everyone is there to have a good time but show a little respect. I'll give John (the doorman) his dues though, he dealt with one guy in particular that was being totally out of order as soon as we mentioned it to him.

    However, I did enjoy the bands....it was a good gig, a little heavier than I usually like. Lobotomized were really good, totally didn't expect them to be as good as that. I probably would have enjoyed the gig more if I hadn't ended up getting so pissed off. Ah well, still another awesome gig at the Moorings.

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