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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. Wait till you try this then:


    If you can watch that for more than a few secons, you must be a lizard!

    An honourable mention must be made for Timecube - Fot both crap design and the maddest rant:

    Time Cube

    (What is it about fruitloop sites and bad design o_O )

    This one is not actually bad and - Just that it creeps me out somehow.

    Toto | Washlet

    Oh me, the Accept Jesus one made me feel a bit giddy, it wasn't nice.

    The time cube one makes my eyes go weird and I agree on the crap design, etc!

    Haha, the Toto one is weird.

  2. The new Diet Coke ad with Duffy singing in a weird helium-voice - GAH!

    So true. Every time that advert comes on I have to mute the TV or change channel. Urgh!

    One of my pet hates is the recorded phone messages you get. "Congratulations you've won a trip to ............" Argh, just fuck right off!

  3. I go to A Cut Above on Union Street, there's a Polish bird in there that's really nice and gives a good haircut and you get a head massage and a good cup of tea. Costs about 19 I think.

    You go to the same hair dressers as me. I've been going there for over 10 years now. Always get a good haircut and they aren't too expensive.

  4. I got jewellery, a hair dryer, money, gift vouchers, a bottle of pink champagne, make-up, slippers, bath stuff, a Body Shop gift set and some other bits and bobs. Also, waiting on a camera, it was out of stock in Aberdeen, so I got an 'I Owe You' instead.

  5. There's another guy that I'm not sure anyone's mentioned. Guy with long blone hair in a pony tail. Usually walks up Union Street or Geroge Street looking rather agitated. Very often he's muttering to himself while looking at the pavement, and also seems to go in and out of phone boxes alot.

    If it's the same I guy I'm thinking of, I quite often see him in the mornings on Bridge Street. Normally wears a denim jacket and carries a purple(I think, not positive) hold all. Years ago, he used to walk about the Holburn Street/Broomhill area in tiny denim shorts.

    I'm guessing he has some sort of mental health issues.

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