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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. He's 18 according to his profile.

    You get one dose as a baby and then one just before you start school if I remember correctly. Well that was the case for me anyways.

    You'll quite possibly be fine but there might be a slight chance of you getting it if you're not properly innoculated against mumps.

  2. I have to agree with the folk that have said Cinnamon. Absolutely gorgeous food. It's the best Indian I've been to in Aberdeen. Also the staff are really lovely and add really nice little touches like giving women roses as they leave the restaurant. All these things make a visit to Cinnamon well worth it and a good experience.

  3. Sarah Silverman is very funny but really close to the bone.

    Check out the documentry " the Aristocrats" She is on there along with a whole host of other great comedians like Emo Philips, Steve Wright and George Carlin.

    It is an awesome movie.

    I've seen the documentary 'the Aristocrats' It's a great watch, really made my laugh. Robin Williams was surprisingly funny on it actually.

  4. I got lots of chocolates, a card, a book, a little 'love bug' thing and underwear...hehe.

    I gave my boyfriend a card, a home made poster thing, chocolates, two teddys, a heart shaped biscuit and a jelly rose.....oh yeh and a pair of 'sex on legs' socks.

    As you can tell, we went over the top lol :p

  5. Appologies to anyone I talked at or had any form of contact with.

    Saturday was my quarterly drinking session... less than 5 pints of Heritage scrumpy blew me into a parallel universe where different rules apply, apparently. Unfortunately it shares the same space and time as the real world :(

    I was off my fuckin trolly.

    Hope I didn't offend anyone.

    What I can remember was cringy enough, especially the bit between 11pm and midnight. Midnight to 1am I must have entered a black hole - word is I was asleep for 30 minutes but that still leaves a good half hour unaccounted for, and I was definately 'active' during that time as indicated by a receipt for FOUR 12" pizzas.

    If anyone wants me then I'm just off to stick my head in the oven. Bye.

    Me and my boyfriend spoke to you at about 12.30am, you seemed in your own little world, it was funny. You were a funny drunk, not offensive.

    As for the intros, lots of swearing and rambling......great stuff.

    Ah well, if you can't remember it, it must have been a good night...hehe.

  6. Yeah, I was pretty shocked when the fight broke out but the crowd was a bit rough last night. Got a fair amount of shit when I was working on the doors but John was there so it was fine, a lot of drunk idiots.

    It's a shame that Unknown Heroes have been told they can't play at Moorings again, maybe you should have a word with Flash and explain you don't actually know the people that were involved in the fight...?

    Yeah, John and Flash got them out quickly and dealt with them. Police arrived to take statements. At least the guy that got glassed was okay afterwards.

    It was a shame that some idiots had to start a ridiculous fight.

    Other than that it was a good gig, listened (couldn't see the first two bands due to being at the hatch with my back to the stage lol) to all the bands but didn't stay for all of Element 106's set, I was too tired.

  7. Brian has raised a valid point there:


    You taking notes?

    Aye obviously, no shit shall be taken...money of course. No money and they dont get in....unless it is of course you or Laura. Also, good at shouting so no one will get away with not paying lol.

    I wouldn't even try getting served, Im off the booze, well for this month anyways lol.

    So I'm up for the 27th. Let me know details etc.

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