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Everything posted by paime

  1. First i've seen of this and im a fan. Right on the first page is this little doozy:
  2. paime

    Pet Hates!

    It's been two full pages of Jake chat, you're falling right into his hands!
  3. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Back in the good ol' days all you could get was weed, coke and E with maybe a bit of heroin thrown in. Nowadays the kids are taking all sorts of fancy things and E has become a regular weekend drug rather than "i'll just take one and hope i don't die." Im glad im too old for drugs use, people would laugh at my poor technical knowledge.
  4. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Pardon my naiveity but what is Percy? My knowledge of drugs theses days is woeful. The first i heard of Mephedrone was when they were banning it, i didn't even know the stuff existed prior to that.
  5. Hector Brocklebank trolling Danny Dyer would be much better.
  6. Bastards! Fight the good fight!
  7. Was this going passed the Forum after coming from up Rosemount Viaduct by any chance? I got done there a couple of years ago which is annoying because i used to regularly use that as a shortcut even though it's technically a naughty thing to do.
  8. So you withheld £1.75 from a charity who looked after your scarf for a week? Wow, that's reaching new levels of stinge...
  9. paime


    Then you wouldn't have seen this 'young man' on the wheels of steel:
  10. I was reading through your initial post yawning but then i got to the end and realised it actually is a cool story. Im not even being sarcastic. I've lost heaps of stuff over the years and never thought to look in charity shops for them. Top tip, Mr Rathen, top tip indeed.
  11. paime


    Boo! The real Elgin Joanna grants people access to her chuff. This weekend i will mostly be participating in girly crap chat as im off to Africa next week and the bird wants to spend time with me. Balls. The rescheduled France v Ireland game is Sunday so i'll try to keep her quiet while i watch that. Im such a lad.
  12. Did you identify your own musk on it? It could be someone else's scarf with their neck ming on it that you have now contracted.
  13. Sounds like a cry for help - is your cock in or out of the cat when it's doing this?
  14. I was staying away from this thread because I used to hate cats but my bird’s folks got two Bengal kittens last year and since then I’ve been smitten with the little tykes. One of them is proper mental and hates all human beings with a passion. She’ll only come anywhere near you if you’re offering food, otherwise you’re a non-entity in her eyes. She also likes to punch the two cocker spaniels that live in the house right in the face. Im pretty sure she laughs about it afterwards but im not 100% on that. The other one is a big softy who has zero coordination and regularly knocks things off shelves by accident. His favourite hobby is sitting on top of my car and waiting for me to come outside. He also once took a shit on my shoe.
  15. How long does it take to hook me up in the whiskey and boobs bar/lounge from when i send the paypal thing?
  16. Must be him. I had a chat with him one day and he was very pleasant. He gave me a flyer and a pin badge. We're lucky up here to be seemingly well-sheltered from the nutters that exist elsewhere.
  17. When I first started watching it I thought “hang on, maybe I was wrong about these EDL chaps” but that thought disappeared after 10 minutes of watching it. Extremist views are dangerous regardless of the religion they are based on, Luton would be a lot better off without either of the groups shown in the documentary in existence and kids shouldn’t be at protests where even a whiff of violence is likely. In my opinion the EDL, BNP, Muslims against Crusades etc can all fuck right off. On a tangent, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any extremist rallies or the like in Aberdeen? Have there been any? The closest thing I know to an extremist was that guy who wore what looked like a celtic war outfit and hung outside the library with a sandwich board promoting Scottish independence. Even then I never heard him with a megaphone shouting at passers by.
  18. On the one hand I do have sympathy for them but then I also don’t. I got some Polish guys to lay new carpets and paint my flat and they did a great job, were far cheaper than the next quote and barely drank any tea. I would easily use them again and they have done work for some friends who have also found them to be excellent. It’s a free market isn’t it?
  19. There are always jobs going about but a lot of people don't want to do them becuase they either think they're better than the job or would rather remain on the dole. It'll be interesting to see how the £26k benefit cap will affect all that. In a lot of cases im actually glad people are coming from abroad to work in the UK, at least they're contributintg to society unlike many who call themselves 'British.'
  20. I think you're probably right. They may have even been founded on legitimate concerns however have now warped into some disgusting group of minks. I forget what the leader's name is (and im not going to google it at work) but he has changed it to the name of one of Luton's most prominent football hooligans. He even got off the stage at one point to headbutt a roudy protester. I have to say i did chuckle when the leader of muslims against crusades slapped him in his car. TV gold right there.
  21. EDL = English Defence League EDF = ?
  22. I couldn’t agree more. The thing that was baffling to me was the leader of the EDL went to great lengths to convey an image of a sensible family man who is anti-facist but then he gets drunk, throws stones at police in the street, openly commends Breivik and tells an Asian chap he isn’t welcome in the country. The guy is a complete mong and pretty much all of his supporters were similar mongs. I even saw a ‘Scottish Defence League’ flag in there at one point – bunch of fannies. I've never heard much about them to be fair, only that a couple of marches had been banned in the past.
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