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Everything posted by paime

  1. I'm currently sitting on the sofa wearing my girlfriend's dressing gown and slippers. I'm not a cross dresser or anything, its just that I'm far too hungover to care/find my own stuff. This hangover can only be fixed by McDonald's, Tennents and episodes of Hellcats. On a brighter note, I woke up with 3 light bulbs, a spoon and two ceramic bowls in my pockets. Win,
  2. paime

    Google Search Humour

    The comments at the bottom of the page are amazing: "After the divorce my diet consisted primarily of uncooked ramen and whiskey. Occasionally I wondered aloud if I'd ever have another home cooked meal again. Then I discovered "Microwave for One" and everything changed. My favorite chapters were: Chapter 1: Plugging in your Microwave and You Chapter 4: How to Wait 3 Minutes Chapter 11 [bONUS CHAPTER]: Eating with Cats In closing, I give this book 2 thumbs up (and a paw!). Thanks Sonia Allison!"
  3. As if the 'Humour' section of this website doesn't waste enough of my time (read: my employer's time) I now have to amuse myself with this lot too?? Life's tough.
  4. I was going to state the case to my missus that i need BF3 in my life and therefore i shouldn't be given any abuse for spending money on it however im now perfectly content with MW3. My only slight issue is that it doesn't feel like a huge step forward from Black Ops. I think someone else mentioned it in this thread that the franchise essentially makes a few new maps and hey presto we all pay £40 for the pleasure and i think that's pretty much dead on. Maybe something which takes the best bits from MW3 and combines them with BF3 would be even better?
  5. The Good, The bad and the Ugly. Job. Done.
  6. The fat chick's movements at the 2 minute mark are quite frankly terrifying. Do I want to ask just how you stumbled upon this little doozy?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my3sfy83y5M
  8. I was wondering what all the bad-mouthing of Estrella was all about. I'd never heard of them so thought i'd do a Youtube search..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RImpW0nNkGw
  9. Why thank you - im working my notice period at work so i need something to fill the time.
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