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Everything posted by LiamC

  1. My band could be potentially intrested in this.
  2. i agree man, i rarely go in these days, the place isnt what it used to be i am not a tech guy, but i managed to fix all my amps all solid state but i know some ins and outs. if you want me to have a wee look for you i could but i might just say the same as rnb lol not cos it is fine becuase i dont know that aspect.
  3. Vo's selling the gtx no fucking way.. il take those desktop speakers off yee
  4. im shocked your getting rid of this though.. you were bugging me to try give you it for years, until i finally did
  5. Ryan, it is indeed the old warlock i swapped it for a bc rich dager then sold that for 170 it does have a serial on it.. i looked it up it was made in 1994. Id honestly say to you though Ryan if you did take it back off hm it would need a complete rewire.. some of the pots had hot solder joints. it was the end of 06 i bought it off you i think.
  6. LiamC

    Vinyl Wanted!

    il have a look later on and post you a pm with tracks etc.
  7. LiamC

    Vinyl Wanted!

    ive got hundreds of jurgen vries / paffendorf kinda under ground trancey house type stuff alot of tiesto and stuff. be good to get rid of them. no longer use vinyl
  8. Edit : Funds are lower than i thought. Need a new tyre for car so gonna have to let this one slip sorry to waste your time.
  9. Oops sorry forgot to put that down its a dreadnought im looking for.
  10. Bit of a longshot just wondering if anyone had a spare / old acoustic hardcase they werent using or needing that they would sell for a few . cheers guys
  11. Thats some great playing there btw dude love the duran duran sticker.
  12. can i get some photos of the duo jet could be potentially intrested
  13. Surprised your getting rid of the Sg For the record it isnt a tanglewood strat Its a 1982 candy apple red Fenix timecapsile 57 reissue with passve emg single coils made by Young chan from the chinese Fender brand.. Just doesnt have original neck becuase i put it onto my other fenix and sold it. You should hold onto that strat dude worth more than a fender squier by miles.. as for the telecaster pretty surprised your wanting one there a blues guitar and you only play sceamo black metal arghhh shite in drop b tuning you would have to constantly use the bridge pickup just to get a good harsh tone.. You'd be easier picking up an esquire there more fitting for your style of playing.
  14. if only i had the money for the jedson... can only dream
  15. LiamC

    Blink 182

    the venue themselves have some standing tickets i got 1 yesterday.... might be worth a try or i might just be lucky...
  16. LiamC

    Guitars For Sale

    thats the one... Bc rich gone
  17. Anyone got one of these lying about they dont use i havent got a hd telly so cant upgrade sky to plus hd hence the need for older box
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