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Everything posted by Runcie

  1. We recently recorded some stuff at Musical Vision, who run Cubase SX on a PC. I was wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to get the project onto my Mac with logic, other than to import in each audio track bit by bit and try to rearrange them. Please help cos I need to send this stuff down to London asap to try and get into the ACM. Cheers.
  2. Hello. Due to upcoming financial devistation I'm having to sell my Tele. Its less than a year old and comes with fender gig bag and seymour duncan quarter pounder in the bridge. Ive got some pictures up at www.myspace.com/finewell at the bottom of the pictures section, so check it out and give us an email through myspace if your interested. I'm looking for around 400 for it, but am open to offers.
  3. Ahh the good ol' "I done it when i was drunk" cop-out. Got me out of many sticky situations when i was a cheeky wee 14 year old that did. Swish!!!
  4. Hello. Our lovely drummer Ru's coming back up from London for xmas, so we're wondering if anyone could help us out with a gig between the 17th of December and the 6th of January. We've got some live stuff up at www.myspace.com/finewell, so if you like what you hear give us a shout. Thanks.
  5. I recently popped a set of seymour duncans in my SG so am selling the gibson ones it came with. 90 for the two of them? Offers welcome.
  6. Yeah I'm liking the song. Its nicely structured, the breakdown in the middles really good and the guitar tone's great. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys out and about in Aberdeen.
  7. I'm not wanting to build my own guitar, I'd love a Fender deluxe Tele but can't afford the 1100 price. If you buy it from this guy as a complete body and neck, it works out much cheaper than 1100. Whats tax and stuff like for getting guitar bits shipped over?
  8. Hey everyone, I was having a look on ebay for a new trem for my guitar and stumbled on this shop. http://stores.ebay.co.uk/The-STRATosphere. I was looking at a deluxe tele, and it works out like 400 cheaper for the neck, body (with bridge and electrics) and shipping than buying one here. Reckon its the way to go to get a new guitar on the cheap?
  9. I've got a 72 tele exactly like that and it sounds ace and plays great! I like it as much as my Gibson SG and it was like half the price. Plus Larry from Hundred Reasons plays one. Boo ya!
  10. My Marshall AVT50's up for sale for about 100. Its a good sounding amp with spring reverb and 2 channels. Give us a shout if you're interested.
  11. Hey everyone. I just put my astra up on ebay. Have a look at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=003&item=130022485081&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1.
  12. Come on guys! We've got a few gigs lined up that we'll need to cancel soon if we can't get a drummer. Theres a video of us at http://www.jbcpromotions.com/finewell/videos/11082006/02/index.html. If you like what we're doing give us a shout. We're quite a simple riffagey rock band and are after a simple, hard-hitting drummer. Contace us at www.myspace.com/finewell Cheers.
  13. Yeah relic'd guitars are cool my gibbos get a fair few scratches and stuff, but i don't think fender and the like do much to "Relic" the neck. Its right over the 2nd - 3rd fret and i need to get it sorted cos it'll start to peel away I reckon. Anyone put anything like this to the guy at captain toms?? Is he any good??
  14. This is like the 3rd time I've advertised it on here and i just want to get rid of it. Its a marshall avt50 2 channel amp. 120 ono.
  15. Hello. About 4 months ago i dropped my SG against a cabinet in my house and took a chunk of paint off the neck. For some stupid reason i decided the wooden bit was annoying me, so i masked off the chiped bit and spray painted the area. When i took off the masking tape some more of the real paint came off, and it looks much worse. Anyone know of anyone who could do a proper job of fixing the neck, cos i dont want to wreck my guitar anymore than it is. cheers.
  16. Hey man hows it going? I'd be happy to sell you my Marshall AVT50 for like £90 if you want? Its not too loud but it sounds decent, and once its miked up it wont really matter anyway. I payed about £300 for it back in the day when they were just out and i think I've got a footswitch for it kicking about too. Give us a shout if your interested. Runcie.
  17. Hey everyone. We're now really close to Ru leaving for London and sad as it is, I think we'll need a new drummer. If you're a drummer, have seen us before and like what we're doing, then give us an shout on our myspace page at www.myspace.com/finewell. Cheers.
  18. I'm selling a Seymour Duncan JB pickup in box with wiring diagrams and stuff. I bought it planning on putting it in my SG but changed my mind. Looking for about 50 for it.
  19. I dunno like I love my TSL 60 halfstack. My guitarist Gregs actually looking for an amp at the moment, but i don't think he's got anything amp-wise of value worth trading. How much would you be after for the head and cab??
  20. Yeah I did look at the behringer stuff but it all seemed emm well, a bit shit. I was looking for a trace elliot like the one in drummonds with the 4x10s but i couldn't see them anywhere. I'm thinking bout going for a 4x10 Hartke combo for 449. Anyone played any of these? Also whats gallien-krueger stuff like. Theres a 2x10 combo for 645 on GAK and it looks pretty cool.
  21. Hello, I'm a guitarist playing bass in a band at the mo and I'll be needing to buy a bass amp soon. Only problem is i know nothing bout bass amps at all. Anyone recommend anything for like 500 - 600. I thought the fender ones look pretty cool but i dunno. Cheers.
  22. Its a navy blue S reg (98) 1.6 Astra and has done around 96000 miles. MOT'd til january and is in good condition. Also comes with Sony CD player with line in for your Ipod. I'm looking for around 1600 but am open to offers.
  23. Yeah scot ads is pretty good, or auto-trader on the net. I'm selling my S reg astra at the mo, but I'm after about £1400 for it. I'll see if i know anyone selling something for a wee bit less and let you know. What kinda car are you after?
  24. I'd go along to the car market at thainstone. Get some well cheap badboys going through there, only downside is they're probably owned by farmers. Took me like 5 days to get the "country" smell out my astra, still I got it pretty cheap.
  25. Thanks or your help, I just hadn't put the plugin into the enironment window. So i can actually hear the drum sounds now, but is there any way of the matrix edit window showing the name of the percussion instruments being triggered instead of just just the midi note names. Cheers.
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