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Everything posted by ToasterCoaster

  1. It may be fun, but the sole purpose of the job is to con people out of thousands of pounds.
  2. It's an urban legend. Don't worry guys. http://www.snopes.com/horrors/madmen/pinprick.asp
  3. The last supper Jew one is indeed superb.
  4. "Money came from the Scottish Executive's Better Cities Growth Fund." (doesn't that sound like an obscure fund?) Surely this is from an entirely different barrel of kit-kats, than the money used to pay city Council workers?
  5. While I'm not disputing what you're saying, that's all a bit of wild speculation and allegation without backing yourself up with even a single source...
  6. I find the best way to have fun on November 5th, is to employ a golf course. Fireworks from the 18th hole is always fun.
  7. How do you yawn on the internet?
  8. Who could have resisted working there 2 or 3 years ago, with tales of Alex Dick, Kai, and Terry Cunt.
  9. If only I had sex with men...he'd be well up on the list
  10. Well, why not go read about it on a geographical discussion website?
  11. I wouldn't have thought so. We spend time in the city centre turning old churches into bars and large open air toilets, and then build new ones a few miles out.
  12. Oh, the ironing is delicious.
  13. A half lunar eclipse? I think I would have felt cheated if I stayed up to watch it.
  14. I used to love Poridge, and the Two Ronnies was fantastic. It's a shame, and I'm sure he'll be missed by many.
  15. Condoms are always a better form of contraception.
  16. I don't think of myself as PC at all, I just think it's funny when people post racist images and when they're confronted with it, they use comedy as an excuse. Also, the big lips in the picture I posted amuse me no end. And it amuses me because it's a play on a racial stereotype. I'll quite freely admit that I'm probably subconsciously (and outwardly when there's a funny joke) as racist as the next bloke, but I won't pretend I'm not like some people. Mentioning no names. Mouse Also, I think we're all forgetting the real problem in this thread. Even for racist jokes, those pictures were really really unfunny.
  17. What's the difference between saying everyone in Iraq opresses women and that all black guys drink heavily and watch kung fu? If anything, the black joke is more obviously a joke than the first..
  18. During the downtime e-messenger.net was still able to sign in, and MSN was reporting "full services available". Bastards.
  19. How about this? The opening pictures in this thread have as much comedic value, and are just as offensive. Anyone who doesn't think the pictures that started this thread were moronic and offensive, is falling victim to the 'it's ok to laugh, they're arabs' BNP aproach.
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