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Everything posted by ToasterCoaster

  1. I hope Beckham comes to Aberdeen, tries to get into liquid, and they turn him away...Then they can sue for libel. And also, as if you needed another reason not to stick HIV infected needles under your skin to forever scar yourself with a picture of Kermit the frog, Liquid won't let you in with your shiny new tattoo
  2. I don't see what's so 'wrong' about it, if this helps people who would otherwise be horribly disfigured, and helps them lead a happier life, then I'm all for it. Also, we've been doing this for YEARS...You may remember a certain documentary...
  3. You shouldn't be checking your inbox on 'desperateandlonely.com' then, should you?
  4. In the Monkey House on union street via a PSP.
  5. They aren't with DirectNIC but they share a building with them... I thought my website was safe, but then we got done in by power outages yesterday in LA, and then the backup generaors failed. Hours of headache and backups soon followed...
  6. Untitled once put his finger up his dog's bum and licked it, just to see what it was like. The dog later died of an anal infection.
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