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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. I think Maps are playing at the Tunnels for Halloween. I've decided to buy my costume (Zombie Cowboy) this year as I can't be arsed making one just now.

    Zombie Cowboy was on my list of possible outfits. I was gonna shave my beard so i had one of those big wild west type moustaches. But then i remembered Brokeback Mountain and decided against the whole GayZombie Cowboy eating chocolate pudding idea.

    Probably rehash my Vampire Priest costume from last year but hopefully my Toothcaps wont break in the first pub this time.

  2. I use to love Airplane and Airplane 2 but then i watched them in Australia.

    They are known as Flying High 1 & 2 all the music has been changed (due to legal difficulties) and heaps of the jokes have been changed but just dubbed over the original actors with voices that sound nothing like the actors.

    The Jive speak scenes were completely ruined.

    Now my favourite comedy is Young Frankenstein.

  3. And boy am i jealous of you 360 mofo's!

    check out the 360 exclusive controller....


    I cant find a release date for the 360 version on any website. Is it the same date as the PS2 version?

    I dont want to have to wait ages but i will just for the downloadable content.

  4. The guy who rakes in the bins and wobbles about in a dress and pigtails is commonly know as "Dangly Dan" to us..

    He was intorduced to me by Elwood as Crazy Running Guy.

    I spotted him yesterday at the Holburn end of Union St. with a big old Stereo under his arm.

  5. Try playing Dead Rising for four hours in the dark, then walking up Belmont Street at midnight on a Saturday.

    It's odd.

    I may need to take my camera, a baseball bat, katana and a traffic cone just to make it feel more natural.

    Oh and also run in a weird bandy legged fashion (no change there then).

  6. I think dying yr hair ginger on purpose counts as a mental illness, therefore a disability...

    I agree. I have a friend who is ginger but feels the need to dye it even more ginger. He is a complete tool.

    Apparently he wears black lipstick and extremely tight black jeans and a long black leather coat to go clubbing. Now imaging that with his ginger hair on top.

    Hes trying to hard to be different and just ends up coming across as a complete cock.

  7. Choosy mothers choose Flange

    Good Anal Sex has Danish written all over it!

    I liked the Hardcore Porn so much, I bought the company!

    Think once, Think twice, Think Dirty Sluts

    Zombies, the other white meat.

    But i'd rather have a bowl of Yer Ma!

    Snap! Crackle! Yer Ma!

    You cant get quicker than an Adult Nappies fitter!

    Life should taste as good as Samuel L Jackson

  8. I was watching a DVD on my PC when it started to skip. I ejected it and then shut down my PC as i had other stuff to do.

    When i restarted my PC i found that i couldn't get any sound.

    I stuck a CD in and tried using Media player. I can see the little bar moving but still no sound so while it was doing that i opened PowerDVD and the sound came on. I closed PowerDVD and the music stopped.

    Anyone got any idea how the hell i fix that?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  9. Top 5 Top 5 lists:


    Top 5 Chupa Chups lollipop flavours:

    1 - Cola

    2 - Cherry

    3 - Lemon

    4 - Orange

    5 - Strawberry


    Top 5 Neighbours.

    1. Old couple across the street who drive their car at least 5 times a day. And have a private parking space. Lucky bastards.

    2. Pretty tall blonde girl up the stairs.

    3. ground floor right' date=' as they have a triple barreled name.

    4. Whoever left the anonymous note on the front door complaining about my 'constant guitar playing'.

    5. Lou Carpenter.[/quote']


    Top Five things on my bedroom floor

    1. Socks.

    2. Patch cord

    3. Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress

    4. A CD copy of Transmissions from the Satellite Heart by the Flaming Lips

    5. A Five pence piece.


    My top five

    1. One

    2. Two

    3. Three

    4. Five

    5. Four


    Top 5 shit foriegn footballers who've played in Scotland:

    1 - Rafael Sheidt

    2 - Basil Boli

    3 - Ilian Kiriakov

    4 - Bert Konterman

    5 - Nuno Capucho

  10. In addition to this I've also got a Sony Playstation 2 that wont play CDs' date=' DVDs, PS1 games, or even PS2 games unless the disc is silver rendering most of my back catalgue useless. [/quote']

    My one did the same thing but being desperate and having a shitload of games i figured it was worth buying a new one. Im always ready for this one to start the same shit again and when it does its going through the window.

  11. Eat 1 of every animal.

    (not the whole animal just a bit to say i did and obviously only the delicious ones and not the possibly nasty tasting ones like jellyfish)

    Wrestle one match.

    (even in the beach ballroom would count).

    Learn to play just 1 song on my guitar.

    (seriously i have been trying for years and my inability to learn even the basics is shocking

    Skydive even though im petrified of heights.

    (my real dad was a paratrooper so its in my blood, yeah the jumping out of planes thing not the shitting my pants at heights thing)

    Live long enough to be an annoyance and constant drain on my families resources.

    (actually this ones quite close to being completed)

  12. Gotta love Vampire Hunter D.

    Also agree that Crying Freeman rocked. (Except avoid the live action version its piss).

    Guyver was cool when it started then the animation started getting dodgy as hell. Never actually bought the last few as it got so poor it pissed me off.

    The live action Guyver has some of the worst acting ever but thats why i like it.

    I havent watched any for a while and now i feel the need.

  13. Volume

    I don't know if it is just my excessively girly ears' date=' but most nightclubs seem to be at some annoying volume where you cant hold a normal conversation without shouting, gigs and suchlike I can understand, you go there for the music and there is the rock and roll element to it (I just wear earplugs) but quite a few times i have left to go other places in town so i can actually hear whats being said

    I don't understand how most people seem to listen to walkmen and suchlike so loudly, surely it must be causing some permanent damage to their ears... I set mine so I can hear it nicely above external noise, but no louder than I need it.

    Is this just me and my girly ears? everyone else seems happy enough in town and so on, I just don't bother often


    I have girly ears too.

    One night i was chatting with a girl in town and kept having to ask herself to repeat what she was saying. When she got pissed off with my deafness and shouted "For Fucks sake!" and walked off i heard her perfectly


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