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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. I have tried getting into TNA but its just so boring.

    It reminds me of WCW in that it has some great young talent that just can't catch a break.

    They choose to focus on "established" talent while failing to create anything new.

    Everytime i try and watch it i see Big Poppa Pump, Kevin Nash, Sting, Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle.

    Lets try some word association with some TNA guys:

    Big Poppa Pump.......................immobile heap

    Kevin Nash..............................Grecian 2000 (hair colours no reason to dislike him but it does annoy me)


    Jeff Jarrett...........................Untalented Bawbag

    Kurt Angle............................Nuts

    James Mitchell......................Poor mans Paul Bearer

    Booker T..............................Average

    VKM...................................piss poor

    Samoa Joe.........................Next Big Thing

    AJ Styles............................underused

    Christian Cage....................unlimited potential

    Tomko...............................extremely entertaining

    Curry Man..........................Dude your better than this

    Petey Williams....................Canadian Destroyer (we need to see more of him and less of that)

    Jay Lethal...........................Randy Savage was shit....you don't have to be.

    Rellik.................................worst name ever

    Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Eric Young......buried

    Shark Boy..........................Shit Sandwich

    Ok i got carried away and named just about everyone on there roster.

    One last comment on why i find TNA unwatchable.

    Jeremy Borash and Mike Tenay..................nuff said.

  2. Just a quick question.

    While replaying a previous mission i collected 2 pieces of enemy intelligence and put my total up to 16.

    This should have unlocked an achievement but i was a prize tit and had forgotten i had activated the clusterbomb cheat. (i just wanted to see the pretty explosions.)

    As you may know you can't get achievements when cheats are active.

    Am i completely fucked with regards to getting this achievement?

  3. I'm quite partial to Mickie James.

    Maybe no as universally hot as Ms. Kiebler but moe my cup of tea.

    Im slowly changing my opinion on Christy Hemme and stating to agree with Elwood.

    As for Lita i would take her across my knee and give her a good spanking for what she did to Matt. (actually to hell with Matt)

    I never understood how people could find Trish attractive. Does nothing for me.

  4. The fingerpoke of doom!

    YouTube - Nash vs Hollywood: 1.4.99 - Fingerpoke of Doom!

    To quote Tony Schiavone "This is what WCW is all about!"

    Yeah, ego maniacs destroying a company.

    Obviously they aren't totally to blame but they helped.

    I remember watching WCW on TNT the night they announced that Mick Foley was going o win the championship. I had been switching channels back and forth between TNT and and Raw on Sky Sports. I did he same as most wrestling fans did that week. I switched over to Raw and didn't bother changing back.

    WCW towards the end was just a nursing ome for the terminally shite.

    Buff Bagwell was always my least favourite.

    I liked Glacier but only because he was a good character to use on the N64 WCW vs NWO games.

    Most of you will probably know of this already but if you don't check out this ste.

    WrestleCrap - The Very Worst of Pro Wrestling

  5. When Elwood and I worked together he made me watch Empire records.

    Im sorry dude but its Gash.

    Its just the whole "were all better people coz we have each other" crap that really puts me off movies like this.

    Only worth watching for Liv Tyler as shown above.

  6. I bought a large Sprite in Vue the other night for me and my girlfriend to share, thinking it would be the same size as a McDonalds large. Fucking thing was like a bucket, I needed two hands to carry it.

    Yeah but you do have incredibly small Jeremy Beadle (RIP) style hands.

    And anyway im guessing you paid for the tickets as well as the Sprite so you should have made her carry it.

  7. I have had many types of beard over the years.

    I sported a rather amazing (in my opinion) pair of sideys for years and had to shave them off for my new job.

    Im not technically allowed facial hair in my job at the moment but im growing my goatee and sideys back anyway and my gf will hate it which is a bonus.

  8. Note to any people who work in TV development: rework Interceptor or Wanted instead......


    As long as they get the same glaswegian dude to be The Interceptor i would watch it.

    I loved that show. I remember Mikey was his pilot and he said "I like it!" a lot. Then ran about wiht that big glove thing shooting idiots in the back.

    Did anyone ever win on that show?

    As for Gladiators. No Jet no interest.

    The hous i spent as a spotty horny teen in my room gazing at my lifesize Jet poster i got from collecting tokens off the back of Sugar Puffs.

  9. I loved this film although i did come out of the cinema slightly disappointed.

    This was my own fault.

    I went in with entirely the wrong mindset. I knew it was shot "Blair witch" style yet i still expected some of the questions brought up by the advertising campaign to be answered.

    How wrong was I.

    I know what the monster looks like now but still have no idea wtf it is.

    I need a sequel just so i can have some back story abnd explanation of where it came from and why.

  10. Utter pish!!

    My problem is that i absolutely cannot stand either Randy Orton or John Cena. The prospect of a WM main event with one of them is bad enough but both.

    Jeff Hardy should have been given the belt, even if it was just for one night until they have him lose it on Raw.

    That would have been a PPV moment talked about for years and made his accension to main event status complete.

    I can see why they didn't though as he does have a rather dangerous style but once hes one of the top guys he won't have as much pressure to do those career shortening spots except on special PPV occassions for dramatic effect.

  11. My last band, Cohesion, split up due to being entirely fictitious.

    Lets see if we do any better this time.

    Band: Backwardation

    Album: 8 Films to Die For

    Track 1: Willey

    Track 2: 1983 Texas Rangers Season

    Track 3: Windows Picture and Fax Viewer

    Track 4: Ray Bradbury

    Track 5: Commodore 1551

    Track 6: Ossification of Frontal Bone

    Track 7: Insula

    Track 8: Space Heritage

    Track 9: Stage Name

    Track 10: Kahuna

  12. Im going to cheat and skip peoples names unless they amuse me or sound cool

    Name: Cohesion

    Album: Rao Raja Hanut Singh

    1: Principality of Catalonia

    2: Pennsylvania Route97 (south)

    3: 1996 Adams

    4: The Fight Network

    5: Hey Boy (Get Your Ass Up)

    6: Center for Devices and Radiological Health

    7: Stepping Out

    8: Gomal Dam

    9: KaBlam!

    10. Chad Mock

    11. Zoltan Kovago

    12. Betta Miniopinna

    13. Racial Segregation in the United States

    14. Dave Stewart

    15. Type 96 25mm AT/AA Gun

    track 5 is a cover version of Blog 27s second single

    Hey Boy (Get Your Ass Up) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    track 7 is another cover of a Kevin Ayers single taken from his 1986 album "As Close As You Think"

    Stepping Out (Kevin Ayers single) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    We are quite a politically charged outfit.

    It will be obvious to anyone listening that we were heavily influenced by the greats. For example: Showaddywaddy and the Cheeky Girls.

    I dare anyone not to be touched by our moving pro-war ballad Ka-Blam!

    Track 12 contains the longest continuous note ever played on a Panpipe.

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