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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. I was with my old housemate when she met Ron Jeremy. That was fucking hilarious.

    I met him at an exhibition in Melbourne. Funniest guy i ever met.

    I have also met Stephen Hendry. I checked him i at a hotel and pretended not to know who he was thern when he looked confused said "only Joking".. Much hilarity ensued....not

    Dennis Taylor (nice guy) and Willie Thorn (C~nt)

    Jim leighton several times. Sometimes nice but mostly shit.

    Stu Francis but he didn't crush any grapes...i was devastated.

    Roy Walker of Catchphrase fame. Bit moody, most definetely a tortured soul. Really funny infront of a crowd then moments later walking off to his room swearing under his breath.

    Gregg Proops.....legend....met him at the illfated Lemon Tree.

    Ocean Colour Scene...they were ok.

    Apparently i checked in some guy from Blue but seeing as i have no idea who they are i didn't recognise him.

    I have been told Rhianna is stayig at the place i work soon so hopefully will get a chance to see her.

    The wrestlers from the WWE stay at the hotel i work at but i wasnt ther at the time. They had a pillow fight in the middle of the night and destryoed 12 pillows and left the corridor covered in feathers.

    Vinnie Mac put the damage on his credit card...so i have been told.

  2. My downstairs neighbours complained they could here me "walking about".

    I really wish i had replied with something funny about levitating but all i could think of at the time was f*ck off!

    They also told us that if i stand in my bathroom and talk they can hear every word. This led to many conversations in the bathroom on the subject of the c*nts downstairs.

  3. Anyone else picked it up or is everyone having trouble keeping the red ring of doom at bay (i jest!).

    I intended picking it up sometime this week but alas the red ring of doom has indeed struck my beloved xbox.

    Just after i bought Mass Effect too.

    I almost cried but instead just shouted "shitballs" very loudly.

  4. Atari 2600. Great console in my memory from playing it as an 8 year old, but I'm sure it would be utter shit if I played it now.

    I still have my Atari2600 and it is the one pictured there on wikipedia with the wood panelling.

    Didnt like the look of the little black one.

    It still works and Choplifter is the best game on it.

    Jedi Arena is shithot too and you have to use a special controller to play it not the normal joystick.

  5. Im looking forward to it.

    The first one was shite but thats why its one of my favourite films.

    It was shit but fun.

    Its very shittyness is what appeals to me.

    I see it as the same as people liking Plan 9 from Outer Space or why people stop and look at car accidents.

    Its awful but you can't keep your eyes off it.

  6. My mate and I are going as The Untertaker and Mankind, respectively.


    I just knocked together a Kane costume for tonight (old school kane but with short hair, and no beard coz i shaved it off a week ago...fool).

    Any one going as Paul Bearer??

  7. As im going ino town with Elwood i too am going to the Moorings then probably Moshulu.

    Unfortunately i have no idea what im going as.

    The last 2 years i have gone as a Vampire Priest. This might be the plan tonight as well.

    Gonna head into town and do some last minute shopping.

  8. I was really looking forward to Rock Band until i found out today the Guitar controller will have 10 Fret buttons.

    At first i thought that sounded cool but then had second thoughts.

    I have a real guitar that i can't play. If i had put half the effort into it that i have put into GH i could play the damn thing by now.

    Im going to save my money and get guitar lessons instead.

    Then 6 months later when i find out im shit at guitar i will probably but Rock Band.......but not a day before!

  9. I had an abcess once that was about the size of one of those jawbreaker gobstoppers - seriously I couldn't even close my mouth I was so deformed. I maintain the pain was worse than childbirth.

    Edit: not that I've ever given birth of course, but there's no way anything can hurt as much as that fucking abcess did.

    I had a few days off work with one of those a few years back. I stayed off mainly because i didn't want people to see me like that. It was painful but i've had worse.

    My Wisdoms came in and basically destroyed 3 other teeth which are now stumps that i too like to play with with my tongue.

    I tried to go to my dentist about a year ago only to find out he died about 9 years ago after having been retired for 2 years.

    I always get really bad toothache about once every 6months but i just wait it out. I do become an incredibly moody fucker for about 2 weeks then im fine again.

  10. I feel a little rant coming on.

    that place is the very bowels of hell. it's the worst run hotel, bar, restaurant and kitchen I have ever had the misfortune to step into. The treat their staff like absolute shit, make you, literally make you sign a waiver form when you start waivering your rights to breaks at work and the law about having a 12 hour rest between finishing work and starting again. People finishh at midnight and start again at 6am, and work without breaks. The management used to let the staff eat the leftover hot food from the breakfast buffet after breakfast finished, but then they decided the staff didn't deserve it, so now every day they just throw the whole lot in the bin. Kitchen staff yell at waiting staff unrepentantly until the waiters are too scared to go into the kitchen, which of course leads to a lot of fuck ups, which the waiting staff get the blame for. This of course leads to high staff turnover because no-one wants to work in these conditions for minimum wage, hence they are always, always short staffed as peoplle just stop turning up for work. This of course leads to more fuck ups due to lack of staff, and new staff not getting trained due to lack of time.

    Yet every quarter, it comes on top of the league for guest satisfaction feedback. How can this happen I hear you ask? Well simple. Every guest stays in the hotel is invited to fill in a form anonymously rating each aspect of the place out of 5. They then seal this in a blank envelope and put it in a box in reception, which gets sent to head office. But, once a week the manager empties the box and takes all the envelopes down into his office. He then opens and reads them all, throws away all the dissatisfied ones, and puts the few happy customer ones in new envelopes, and sends them to head office. Head Office then think, great feedback, that hotel is doing brilliantly, and don't know that it's a complete shithole, so they never send anyone to fix the shithole, all the while the manager sits in his office watching his miserable staff go about their miserable jobs, and does nothing at all when anybody mentions they have a problem. if anyone gets signed off sick, they fire them. And they refuse to let anyone join a trade union.

    Great place to work is old maximillians diner.

    I agree.

    My time there (as the laziest most unintersted boss you ever had and probably ever will Elwood) was interesting. I left thinking the Holiday Inn was the exception to the rule and that other hotels would be better managed.

    There not. They are all the same and anyone considering a career in hotels should immediately reconsider.

    Maybe try prostitution as in hotels its guarenteed some boss somewhere will try and fuck you in the ass. At least as a Hooker you get paid well for it.

  11. Coupling....utter pish

    Hope and Faith......balls

    Rodney........satans smegma

    Home Improvements........gash

    Duty Free........vintage bollocks

    Wonder Years.........dirty cock

    Not a sitcom but that woman who does "Am i Bovvered" should have her head caved in with a shovel.

  12. Damn.

    I leave my router on pretty much all day everyday and have had no problems ...ever with BT until now. (maybe thats the problem)

    I really hope its not just my PC as i can't be bothered with all the messing about im undoubtably going to have too do.

    Thanks fot that Dave...didnt expect such a speedy response at this time of night.

  13. I had a look as wwe.com for the next tour.

    Bad news...so far.

    The Wrestlemania Revenge tour doesn't seem to be making its way to Scotland nest time.

    Dates in London and Birmingham have been announced but thats all.

    I suppose its fair enough. We have had them here regularly for the last few years.

    Oh and Hardcore Holly is awesome........so there.

  14. Has anyone else been experiencing problems with there connection lately?

    In the time it has taken me to write this it has disconnected and reconnected 3 times. It will be Ok now for a while but will then just start switching on and off repeatedly.

    This has been going on for a few days now.

  15. Its gonna be amazing. I only wish Foley would come.

    I was going to go dressed as a member of the Spirit Squad but now im wearing my kilt in honour of Rowdy Roddy Piper.

    Hope the Highlanders make an appearance too.

    My signs are a HHH Bow to the king sign and a Got Spirit sign.

    Gonna make more tomorrow as i think im going to make a Umaga : Joe is gonna kill you sign.

  16. Going as Burnt Face Man is tempting but I have the feeling that as most people (probably) don't know who 'he' is, they'd think I just had dirt on my face by accident! :down:


    Otherwise I'm not sure - nothing is really coming to mind straight off that would be 'a hit'! o_O

    I know he he is and that would be a fantastic costume..but i know how frustrating it can be to be out at halloween and have to explian your costume to everyone you meet.

    Also it would be cool if you had someone with you dressed as Suggestion Boy.

    Remember kids: Crime is a Shit that needs wiping up!

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