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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. There were a few good Jedis going about' date=' one with an immense blue lightsaber - which dwarfed Mr Ab-Music-Yoda's considerably. Bless.


    Yeah his Lightsaber is cool. I have the Mace Windu Purple one but decided not to go as a Jedi for 2 reasons.

    1: There will be heaps of people out as Jedis


    2: I didnt want to risk my lightsaber getting damaged.

  2. In moshulu the best costume was predator' date=' it was so real looking I was actualy waiting for it to try and skin someone alive...

    On another note, it was all a bit shite. waiting till 6 to get a taxi, get tae fook.

    The Tunnels gig was awsome though... :D[/quote']

    Totally forgot about the Predator guy that was so cool.

    I really wanted to see him get in a fight with the guy dressed as an Alien.

  3. Dude I'm so wasted I can hardly see my keyboard' date=' I'm full of beer, and your mum's car is broken as fuck.[/quote']

    yeah it died as soon as we got home...which was kind of lucky.

    do u know how long it took me to get the blood off my face?

  4. I spotted Elwood as i was standing nest to him all night.

    My Vampire Priest costume was ruined by my fake teeth falling to bits but luckily Elwood was there to pour copius amounts of fake blood over me thus producing Zombie Priest. Although the end result just left me looking like i had been kicked in the face several times.

    Saw Gumpy dressed as Papa Lazarou but i didnt buy any pegs.

    Lots of really cool ghostbusters out tonight but the best was the 2 guys dressed as the beastie boys in the intergalactic video.

    Of course the Zombie Golfer and Priest were 10 times beter coz it was us.

  5. I use to work in Seafield House and we had a Phantom Shitter.

    Every couple of days the Cleaning supervisor could be heard swearing loudly as he walked down the corridors as someone else had discovered a pile of shit on the floor in a random toilet. The culprit was never found as they never used the same toilet twice.

    One time the person had also smeared shit on the wall of the cubicle.

    On an unrelated note we did also find a huge stash of pornmags in one of the ground floor toilets, hidden above the ceiling tiles.

  6. David Bowie's son Zowie. But I think he changed it to Colin or something when he grew up.

    changed it to Joe

    he has been in my mums ex-bosses house.

    He didnt know it was Joe Bowie and was talking about music and looking at cds. He is a huge fan of Bowies and asked Joe if he liked him. Apparently he just laughed his ass of until someone explained to the guy who he was.

  7. Mind you' date=' it could be worse.....have you seen Bob Geldof's kid's names??[/quote']

    True. Fifi Trixibell but i cant remember the name of the others.

    David Bowies son Zowie or as he likes to be called Joe.

    Didnt Frank Zappa call his kid Moon Unit or something.

  8. My Dad has a friend called Richard Cheese...........and yes everyone calls him Dick (honest!). Sad but true that in times past some parents really didn't think too much about their kids names.

    Mike Oxlong (ha ha ha)

    Tell me about it.

    My names Richard and my last names Cockburn. Its pronounced Coburn and i hate that Richard can be shortened to Dick. The end result was me getting the shit kicked out of me at school and taunted my entire life but im not bitter.

    Thanks a fucking bunch Mum and Dad.

  9. I bought the DS the day it came out and other than a few games of Zoo Keeper i have just played all my old GBA games on it. So in essence i have wasted 100 quid. I was tempted by the PSP but i too have just gone off the whole handheld gaming thing.

  10. i met Ray Charles but not the hugely famous singer but the Ray Charles who was Cove Rangers Goal Keeper about 10 years ago. I was working in a garden centre at the time and a reporter came i and asked to speak to Ray Charles. We slaged him off for about 30 minutes until the manager said he knew who he was talking about. Apparently he is also a rep for the Double glazing/conservatory company next door.....oops!

    I also met Ron Jeremy the porn star in Melbourne. Famous for having a huge cock and may i say also the biggest fattest fingers i have ever seen.

  11. I went to Northfield Academy.

    On the day i left i promised never to associate with any of the scumbags that had attended that school.

    So that rules out starting a career in the police, being a prison guard or anything to do with drug rehabilitation.

    Did that come across as a wee bit bitter?

    Disclaimer: There were about 6 decent people i met during my time there and 2 of the teachers were ok. Just thought i would mention it before before i alienate anyone who may be of value as i am a social parasite.

  12. I was in a room 517 of the hotel i work in. My first week and was just helping out housekeeping. I felt really short of breath and my chest was really tight and my vision went a bit funny. i left the room and i felt fine. Tought nothing of it and went back in. Minutes later the feelings came back.

    I told one of my colleagues and they just thougth i was taking the piss because i didnt want to make beds.

    I spoke to the HK manager and she said that 517 is suppose to be haunted and she had felt the same thing several times.

    Also she had seen a tall man through the glass on the fire door half way along the fifth floor corridor. She pushed the door open and noone was on the other side and there was noone but her in the corridor.

    I hate the fifth floor.

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