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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. Tab Clear

    I was just talking about this stuff the other day.

    I freaking loved that stuff.

    Someone was telling me it came in a clear plastic tin but i don't remember that as i always just bought the 2L bottles.

    As for Wham bars i loved them but only ever ate one when i was a kid when i had a loose tooth.

    Guaranteed to pull the bugger out.

  2. "Were training our kids to be killers!" apparently.

    Close to the end of the video he says that after beating your prostitute to death you can cut up the cops who come to arrest you with a chainsaw!!


    Please tell me there is a chainsaw in GTA IV.

    Please..i want one.

    And heres part 2:

    There sueing Sony and Walmart and others for training some dumbass to kill....idiots.

    Now at the start of this video he claims you can go into a strip club and have anal sex with the girls.

    Ok to hell with the chainsaw i want that.

  3. could also be the ones who were affected by maggie fucking up the manufacturing economy the uk used to have.

    How long until GTA gets blamed for this? Think any of the kids shouted Garanga as they crashed?

    I grew up in the middle of the Thatcher era and im fine but i can see how that could be a contributing factor.

    I'm sure the P&J will have a GTA = fucked up neds story any day now.

    All the minks should be sterilised so that they can't have kids.

    Do you have a newsletter i could subscribe to?

    I was just saying this very thing to a friend the other day.

  4. Keep it on topic, tell us what you were doing in the game!:D

    So theres a game where i can do this without fear or reprisals.....ACE!!!!

    I dont suppose theres an online mode where i can keep family members locked in a basement is there?

    No? maybe in GTA5 then.

  5. This'll be one of the muppets I think...

    Graeme H <Graeme97828>

    "just been in a motorbike crash in hospital just had a operaction on my four arm and knee cap GETTIN OOT 2MORO GDGD"

    Even has a photo galley dedicated to his great crash.

    I find it hard to understand anyhting on his bloody page.

    I hate all that abbreviations and crap the youth of today use. There not even good abbreviations.

    lyk = like

    Yeah great you saved typing one letter.

    yhoo = you

    Defeats the purpose altogether by adding a letter.

    wht = what

    Aren't these words short enough.

    Oh and as far as his faourite film Scareface i bet he pronounces it Scaryface.

  6. My copy finally arrived at 2pm today.

    Been playing it since then...its amazing.

    Haven't really achieved much just been messing about.

    watched some weird stuff at th cabaet club and been bowling a few times.

    I figure i will leave the crime stuff for a bit while i explore.

  7. In completely unrelated news, while I was walking up King Street with a group of friends last night a ned leaned out of the window and threw a handfully of Roses (the sweets, no the flower) at us. All while shouting "AAAAAHHH YA BUNCH O BAMS!" or something to that effect. It was ace.

    I can just see the story in the P&J now.

    Starting a campaign to ban tins of sweets due to the rise of teenage drive by sweetings.

    An outraged mother appearing on North Tonight coz her 12 was concussed by a ferrero rocher.

  8. I dunno, there's been plenty nights we've been out and I've been your steaming drunk mate! Remember that time we were in your car and I forgot the word 'carburretor'.

    Yeah and you also kept calling my mum Norma-Jean coz you couldn't remember her name.

    To be fair you may have been steaming but your never loud, abusive or just a total cunt to the other members of the public.

    Even when were out with your mates the only one i try and stay away from when hes drunk is Gary because he's a pain in the arse.

  9. Yeah ok i had meant to edit his quote a bit and forgot.

    But in general i agree with his concerns about walking about in town.

    I think the point is that there are wankers everywhere so go where you feel comfortable.

    Oh and I wouldn't be with my steaming drunk mates as we are all pretty sensible and I don't drink.

  10. I've never felt comfortable walking down union street, belmont street, windmillbrae etc on weekend nights, it's an intimidating environment for anyone to be in. Unless of course you're with half a dozen of your steaming drunk mates and contributing to that shitty atmosphere yourselves.

    I totally agree with you. I don't go to town half as much as i use to but when i do there are definetely places I steer clear of.

    When im at work i have to take staf home at night and dread driving down Union Street. The doors have to be locked or randoms try and jump in. I have lost count of the amount of abuse thats been hurled towards me for simply stopping at a traffic light.

    I never head up to the west end anymore for 2 reasons:

    1: the pubs suck ass.

    2: the clientele of these establishments suck ass.

    Im not being snobby i just don't want to hang about with the types of people I see in that area.

    I was in the Justice Mill meeting friends before a night out. It was 6pm and by 6:30pm i had witnessed 3 fights and the bouncers dragging people out.

    I pretty much stick to The Moorings, Bassment and Moshulu. I know where i stand with the folks there and have never had any bother.

  11. They should also get charged with neglect, in fact my theory is that Kate killed her. By all accounts "cute, little Maddie" was an absolute handful of a complete bastard brat and one theory is that Kate gave her an OD of kid's sleeping medicine to try and get some peace from the little shit. That's another story, mind.

    You read my mind!

  12. Harmonix has commented on there own forum:

    Commentary on Euro Pricing Flamefest - Rock Band - Forums

    To save you reading it i will give you the short version.

    You don't like the price then don't buy it.

    To be honest when Play.com are selling the drums for 69.99 on there own the instrument pack seems ok.

    I am a little wary to spend that much on a game especially as my guitar cost me just slightly more. The difference is i will be able to play RockBand and not suck as much as i do at the real thing.

  13. you reckon it'll be the same awesome old events or some crappy new ones?

    Hopefully new ones but i see by Inferno's picture they are keeping the big cotton buds. (Pugil sticks or whatever they were called.)

    I hope they still have those big hamster balls.

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