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Posts posted by Nev

  1. Oh, and the reason I came on this thread (oo-er...). Just read this on the Beeb:

    "Manchester City have offered AC Milan 100m in cash for Brazilian superstar Kaka, who will earn 500,000 a week gross if he signs for the Premier League side. (Daily Mail, 2301 GMT)"

    Um, credit crunch, anyone? No money, y'know? Jobs going, companies going... SUrely City can afford half a mill net?!

  2. i was at the saints game tonight. I fucking hate old firm fans and that lazy ice skater Kris Boyd. If Saints had scored in the first half they would have won (bloody macgregor)

    I really hope that stephen tweed isnt the new montrose manager


    The sooner you get Iain Stewart appointed the better.

  3. My fucking blender broke last night as I was blending the soup. The blade fell out INTO the soup, while still rotating at a frightening speed! Lesson: Asda smart-price blenders fear smushy carrots. Also they aren't very safe. Also, keep the reciept if it's only 2 months old like mine is. Also, spend more than 4 and get a better blender next time.

    On a similar note, I once stood on a food processor blade. Warning to all: Do not do this - It causes much blood to be lost, and much pain. (And a nice hole through your foot, if you're lucky!)

  4. Another tough draw for rrrrasellikbyraway I see.

    Nine years since Peterhead stalwarts Bobby Mann and Martin Bavidge helped super Caley go ballistic at Parkhead... Bobby even "scored" that day (though Lubo Moravcik

    nicked it, the bassa). Super Blue Toon go ballistic?

    All we've got to do is win at Hampden first :up:

  5. I eat shite, drink too much, don't exercise anywhere near enough and yet my BMI is apparently 23 and I can put on a stone and be healthy. Ace!

    I'm off to eat 17 tonnes of lard, two pizzas and a cake :up:

  6. I'd have thought in these modern times, everyone would be getting that bloody stupid cookbook thing for the ds (and a ds if you don't already have one...)

    My mum got that for Christmas, it'll be used about as much as something that's never used.

  7. Kenny Black should not be allowed anywhere near a football club, as Montrose are now finding out to their cost.. Yeah, he's great at putting a youth policy in place and putting in place ways to make money, but he knows the square root of fuck all about running a senior football team.

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