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Posts posted by Nev

  1. Rory McAllister has signed from Brechin apparently, so Peterhead Dave has just dodged a bullet!! Rory will be delighted that he can get smashed in Aberdeen again every weekend.

    Aye, one of the Brechin guys was on our website for opinions on McAllister. Needless to say, we didn't hold back :up: Though somebody thinks he was good o_O

    Apparently we had the budget to sign Rorlolz on loan, and keep Stuart Smith on loan til the end of the season. When both were released we could only afford one. We made the right choice.

  2. People who ding the button on the bus, only for several other people to ding it as well.
    Arseholes. That and the cunts who sit at the back playing shite music out of their shite speakers on their shite phones!!

    Both of these things made me want to go postal on buses today

  3. TITP 2001. First band I saw there was The Strokes, a late addition to the bill. Blown away by the "fuck you" attitude they displayed then. Pity it quickly disappeared, along with their heads, up their arses.

    Think my first indoor gig would have been Oasis @ the AECC in 2002, as I'm struggling to remember seeing anyone else..

  4. Boruc's penalty was completely immense. I thought Zaluska's was good, but Boruc well and truly humped that idea!

    Good to see Craig Bellendamy scoring on his debut (the first time he's done so in about 8 million attempts!), and Robinho putting his touchy touchy arrest aside to provide a great assist for SWP :up:

  5. The recent Australian skills shortage, in addition to low house prices and excellent weather has attracted a massive increase in emigration from Scotland.

    Ace! I know a guy who can get me a job out there...

    ... pity I'd be stuck watching fucking Bryan Gilfillan again :swearing:

  6. I find that IT Support gets me unwelcome attention. Perhaps it works because I'm female. I always thought it was a pretty good conversation killer.

    If I'd know you were a fellow geek I'd have said hello when I spied you (and don't ask how I knew it was you) last week...

  7. As I spouted to young Flash a couple of weeks back, I had shamefully only been to the Moorings once, to see the Garcias in 2006(?), until the past month or so... I'd gone in with an open mind and been put off by the hardcore band that followed the indie kids... oops.

    I've been in a few times recently, and found it to be nothing short of a delightful place to be. Quiet enough (when I've been in) to have a pint, or raucous enough to smash it up, it's all good :D

  8. I was at the Glebe yesterday (got in for free, yas), thought both teams were pretty poor, a point each was probably about right.

    The quality of football was no great shakes, but loads or chances for each side. Baird was unlucky with his chip at the start of the second half, while the number of times we should have had the ball in the net was unbelievable.

    When you've not won a point away from home since September, anything's positive :up:

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