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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Perhaps the bands should contend in some form of battle to earn a spot? xx
  2. East side gallery and the Ramones museum were highlights for me. xx
  3. I never watched Green Wing when it was current. Wife made me watch it while she re-watched it a year or two ago and it is fucking spectacular. xx
  4. Holy fuck, it's like watching Basil Fawlty, but sadder. xx
  5. Ooft. These G&L basses are MONSTERS. If I were in a position to buy, I'd back this in a heartbeat. xx
  6. The twitter thread/rant I read on the subject says they DO NOT use electric kettles?! Either pan-boiling water or stove top kettles like fucking cavemen. xx
  7. Americans also don't have egg cups. Fucking madness. xx
  8. DPD are fucking excellent. A perfect 5/7 from me. xx
  9. I got this from CeX online for like £30 - figured if I hated it I'd flog it on and if I liked the idea but not this model specifically I'd part exchange against an orbweaver or something. It's definitely worth trying IMO. Saves keyboard space and the GOOD keys are amazingly ergonomic. The keypad on this one specifically is pretty big, so the keys at the edge aren't useful for fast, reactive commands but are ideal for more cosmetic stuff. I thought it'd take ages to get used to but after a few hours I'm loving it already and not feeling any major impingement. xx
  10. In the bin, with no bookmarks. xx
  11. Yeah, I feel a lot better about my buying habits now. Also I just bought one of these and I fucking love it! xx
  12. There was an Overwatch pro player who got sacked from his team and banned for a similar (but objectively worse) outburst. The guy basically accepted his lumps but tried to make excuses about how he just wanted to say the nastiest thing he could - "I was extremely upset and I was trying to make the person I was angry with upset as well". Now, in a twisted kinda way, that makes sense. A conscious effort to say something you KNOW will upset and anger someone - you deliberately choose the "worst" word you can think of. But I very much doubt that's what Chevy was trying to pull. (Video below doesn't show the guy screaming the n-word btw, just talks about the incident and shows the context, apology etc.) xx
  13. I get what you're saying and I don't think you're an apologist for him or anything like that - but while I could theoretically see a number of different scenarios/reasons why he'd shout that instead of saying "ah fuck", NONE of those scenarios are excusable under any circumstances. I mean, it's not like he was acting in Django where that was every second line of dialogue. What's interesting to me about it is that when I shout something in frustration, it's usually fairly instinctual. Sometimes it'll be fuck, sometimes shite or pish. If I want to shout something "quirky" or off-kilter, it takes a second's thought to decide to shout "cockwomble" or something equally loathsome. So if he shouted a racial slur in frustration, it's either because it was just under the surface waiting to be said or because he stopped and thought "hmmm, think I'll play the N-card here!" and either way, what a cunt. And after that, asking the rest of the cast, especially the non-white actors and double-especially Yvette Brown and Donald Glover, to continue working with him so closely would be a pretty bad move from a director. A schism in the cast like that would be way worse for the show than losing a key cast member. xx
  14. Not "can and can't". What is and isn't appropriate. Chevy was at work. It's not a "free speech" issue is a racial abuse in the workplace issue. And even when it comes to artistic boundaries, it's still all about what the audience will and will not accept and listen to, rather than what he comedian CAN'T say. You can say anything you want, but if you say that you think Ian Watkins is a hero for what he did to kids then you just won't have much of an audience. xx
  15. It means good. But I'm still only about half way through, so if it ends up being shite overall then I'll change that answer. The overall theme/concept for it is fantastic though! xx
  16. New series of Archer is on Netflix and it's some fucking bomb-ass shit. xx
  17. Secretly? I think it's fucking awesome! xx
  18. I tried to rewatch Family Guy and just thought it was fucking garbage. I used to absolutely love it, too. F is for Family I didn't rate - I like Bill Burr's standup but nothing in Family season 1 made me laugh so I'm not gonna bother with season 2. xx
  19. I'd forgive the shops selling that shit to idiots if it weren't for the fact that so many fucking morons that I know harp on about how GREAT it is to spend £20 on a burger. Fucking chumps. xx
  20. I'm just excited at the prospect of these boutique burger joints fucking off again. HAVE A CHEESE BURGER WITH LUCKY CHARMS ON IT! Cunts. xx
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