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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. A valid point, cocktails FTW. That's a somewhat closed minded view, I expected more from an internet forum! xx
  2. Yeah, what a fucking hardship for the poor ol' barkeep having to pour an extra splash of ale into a glass rather than having a customer waste his 3 because the pub has god rid of the selection of ales it had on the previous week and has brought in a whole new bunch. It doesn't extend to spirits because they are limited in number and the ones each pub offers seldom change. As with lagers. It doesn't extend to food because if a pub changes an item on a menu to offer steak instead of mac 'n cheese, only an utter fuckwit wouldn't know what to expect. Let's say there are 6 guest ales on offer, I think 5 of which are shit, would you expect me to be willing to (in the worst case) buy / drink 5 pints of shit ale (or 2 1/2 pints if I buy halves to taste) before finding something I like, only to take the fucking thing away the following week? Fuck right off. xx
  3. Yeah, I always ask for a taste if it's a new one to me.. otherwise you have to go on the name and that's less than no help. There've been a few times when I've just thought fuck it, the 'Rudolph's Nipples' sounds nice enough, bought a pint and it tasted like the inside of a dick. xx
  4. Not too bad a pair of tits on her for a chubby chick though xx
  5. The internets say they do, but I've only ever eaten in xx
  6. Bhan Thai and Thai Cottage are favourites of mine - but then I discovered and fell in love with them when I lived on Thistle St so my desire to have a chinese / thai takeaway within walking distance (<1 minute walk) may have overridden my taste. I do remember them being awesome though, decent veg selection too if memory serves. xx
  7. Tbf his was a stoater, I'm happy with second place. xx
  8. Yeah, wash all you want that shit just doesn't come off! xx
  9. But how else are you supposed to express your passion?! You can't really mean what you're playing unless you're doing cartwheels and backflips, can you? xx
  10. I disagree. If you're a good drummer then you can get away with a little bit of flair IMO, just 'cause a drummer is packed away behind the kit doesn't mean they can't be a bit of a showman too. On the other hand.... xx
  11. Isn't it 'Grazie' you're thinking of? Prego means please... Doesn't it? xx
  12. That's slightly different, some of these snotty bars rip the fucking piss. I'll happily spend a few quid (or a small fucking fortune) on a nice bottle of wine or a couple of cocktails (the latter because they do take a bit of skill to put together and because I know stocking all the random fruit and necessary garnishes etc does drive the price up) but if someone tries to charge me 6 for a pint of flat lager or stale Guinness I tell them to fuck off and I leave. As I said if you don't like the price, drink elsewhere. xx
  13. I got it working behind a bar.. "Double vodka please" "That'll be 2.40" "Whit? It's 2.20 across the road" "Then cross the fucking road, ideally via the underside of a bus" xx
  14. Doesn't watching the video make you gay too? xx
  15. Ahh, never knew that place existed. Anyway, new pet hate: Sitting at my desk phoning a colleague on his mobile only to realise he's sitting three desks over from me.... No wonder my fucking boss hates me. /completewanker xx
  16. I toyed with the idea, but it'd've been hard not to look like a wanker... "Look at me boss, I'm in work sooooo early, pat me on the back, please?" Whenever I had a valid excuse to copy him on an email that I was punting out first thing I would, but I figured looking like I'm lazy AND a shameless suckup would probably have made it worse... xx
  17. Lazy. Infact, no fuck that I wasn't lazy; I was new to the job so wasn't particularly able to find work to do and get it done, so I needed to have work assigned to me, problem was there wasn't a massive deal to do. Between that and the fact that I came in at 8 and left around 5-5.30 (usually when I got through all the work I had to do anyway) but the boss comes in around 10 but stays till 7-8, to his eyes I looked like a lazy prick, in reality 'underworked' would be more accurate, but I'm splitting hairs. xx
  18. After being brow beaten by my boss for the past 8 months and constantly being on the verge of getting fired, being told today that I've turned my shit around to the point where I'm being put forward for a raise. Ace-ic day! xx
  19. Is it plugged in? Try unplugging it and plugging it in. Then reset your router. xx
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