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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. It's worth noting that although he directed Cop Out, he didn't write it... In fact I think it's the only movie he has directed that he didn't write. xx
  2. That's a lot of fucking to do... xx
  3. I disagree, kinda. It made me laugh, I'll probably remember it (I won't; I have a shit memory, but it's a fairly memorable name so people who remember things would remember it...). It'd make a not bad album/EP title though, certainly would be better as that than a band name.. xx
  4. Watch out guys, he might flank you. xx I don't know any other strategies...
  5. Looks like they could be doing the same kinda thing as MTV did - move everything is music-oriented (and anything that pretends too, aswell) to the 'smaller' stations and make radio 1 more 'entertainment' biased; i.e. fill it with mouthy pricks like Moyles so that all the quasi-racist jibbering idiots will never need to listen to anything else... xx EDIT: I wonder how much money they'd offer Jeremy Clarkson to follow after Chris Moyles... There isn't an idiot in the country who wouldn't listen to that every day!
  6. If only $huttr$pd made it to that level... xx
  7. Well you just x'd your chances of sleeping with me goodbye! xx
  8. One seems curt, three seems excessive. It's just one of those things I've always done since I first discovered texting. I discovered early that the number of kisses you send a girl you're trying to fuck in a text message says much more than the text does. Women are fucking wierd like that. If you send two by default then when you send one she thinks she has upset you, or pissed you off and becomes apologetic, if you send three upwards she get's all happy that you're being even more affectionate. It's basically the Pavlov's Dog technique with x's. Anyway, the whole thing had a bit of a side effect, the two x's became compulsive habit eventually and now I can't sign off texts or anything of the life without them. I only just manage not to when sending work emails! And that's my tedious little story. xx
  9. Why aren't Bigsby's questions in bold? xx
  10. Who's Matt Striker? They got rid of JR AND the tits?? xx
  11. I remember those days. Everyone singing American Badass failing to see any trace of irony. Jerry Lawler giggling about puppies constantly. Bring back the tits I say! xx
  12. I used to love it and I still want to watch it, but I've found it to have gotten a little slower paced than when I was a kid... The violence:drama ratio has shifted the wrong way IMO, although that could be because I don't follow it the same, so it just seems to be dragged out longer because I don't know who half the people are. I also think the characters are so much more forgettable now as someone mentioned. Bring back fucking Cactus Jack! I remember when they first started letting the girls get their tits out on the PPV ones with Miss Kitty and the wet t-shirt match (or whatever it was, the object was for the girls to haul each others clothes off...) So you still get actual tits out now, or is it just back to spandex and inuendo? xx
  13. I do it, all.the.time. If someone I don't like queries what I'm laughing at I just reply with "no, no nevermind, you wouldn't get it" xx
  14. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/general-discussion/54274-tags.html xx
  15. That's always the case at first. A few locks here and there, what's the harm? Next thing you know, a single pun being posted and the Modernator will travel back in time to when your mum was pregnant with you and punch her right in the vagina. Then in the stomach. Because punching her in the vagina wouldn't really have much effect, other than physical comedy. xx
  16. As a middle ground, why not reinstate the wasteland but rather than letting regular users start threads in there, the mods can use it to dump threads they would otherwise kill? Or something like that, it's obviously a grey area if a threat has 10 pages worth of helpful, topical discussion then 30 pages of puns and IBTL pics, but some comprimise could be reached? xx
  17. And some are tying to say private education is a good thing? xx
  18. Ordering the fish fingers would probably be cheaper than down the harbour though? xx
  19. Hooters is shit though. The food is fucking horrendous and the one I was in the service was shocking too, not even as much as a smile when orders were taken etc. Obviously I can sympathise with the girls being there all day having their tits gawked at by a bunch of slack jawed cretins but if it's that upsetting get a job in a real restaurant? I can't speak for every franchise obviously (assuming they are franchised, might not be?) but the one I was at was beyond terrible, I'd take being charged over the odds for mediocre food over being charged a fairly reasonable amount to be treated like a scumbag and fed shite any day! I do love tits though.... xx EDIT: May be worth noting that the Hooters I was in was in Sacramento, which is in itself one of the most hostile places I've ever been, second only to Peterhead.
  20. That is true. Plus, with these student fucks, you can take any story - literally ANY story - no matter how humiliating, preface it "I was so fucking wasted last night that...." and it's instant street cred. Wankers. xx Actually, maybe not any story. I can't imagine many students would boast about getting so pissed that they fucked their dog....
  21. I'd have preferred the novelty of it being a pushbike, or a reliant robin.. something really embarassing to be killed or maimed by. xx
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