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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. To be honest, my response has been more contingent on my mood when I see them than the quality of some of the stuff posted... although there has been some out and out gash IMO, but diff'rent strokes... I'm probably sitting at about 1 in 10 getting an audible laugh but it's running at far over 50% making me smile. xx EDIT: Also worth considering that many of the good ones here would have gotten a laugh but I've seen a lot of them before.. so the average is probably a little better than 1 in 10 there...
  2. Sorry to jump on the hitler analogy bandwagon, but if the parents wanted to send their kids to nazi youth camps or any other such intolerant, cult based institution; would that be ok too? I'm for freedom of choice too, but freedom of choice for the child not the pushy parents and that freedom of choice is exactly waht faith schools beat out of kids from a young age. xx
  3. Why, in the arcade section of the site, are there 'high score' holders and 'high score of all time' holders? Is 'high score of all time' when someone get's high score but then deletes their account, or something to that effect? xx
  4. Yeah the boy with the claymore and shield. Nice guy actually, he babysits my kids. xx
  5. Prepare to have your mind.fucking.blown xx
  6. Try going through books / movies you like or are influenced by in any way and see if you can find a (subtle) reference in one of those you like. That or a pun. I fucking love puns. xx
  7. It's some kind of funny hat isn't it? xx EDIT: Just did a google search on them, there's no fucking way people really wear those??? o_O
  8. I saw a couple of guys in kilts during a wedding once. It was pretty trippy! xx
  9. Not trying to be a dick here, I've gotta ask; if you're resorting to online band name maker websites because you can't come up with one you're happy with, can you genuinely expect to create unique and interesting music....? xx
  10. Apparently I rep you too much. Glorious effort though! xx
  11. Sweet potato and butternut squash is my favourite. I do put a fucktonne of chilis in there too, but I put a fucktonne of chilis in everything I cook. xx
  12. It started as an affectation, now it's a compulsive habit I'm afraid. But thank you, no less. xx
  13. Natch. Just like all gay men have lisps and dress well. xx
  14. I wish I could give free soup to people who were having a shit day, That'd be an ace way to live. xx
  15. Ace-ic: Lesbians. There is no love on earth as beautiful as the love between two women. xx
  16. Stop talking about good things, this is the pet hates thread! Where are the Mods when you need them! Pet Hate: People liking things. Just fucking stop it, eh?! xx
  17. Agree there, but in my primary school and at academy (both public schools) the attitude was "there are many religions all around the world, but christians are right and everyone else is a fucking idiot, worshipping their elephants and shit. Freaks." I have an axe to grind with religious RE teachers in general tbh because if you're gonna teach RE, it needs to be completely unbiased. If you're gonna argue that kids deserve a spiritual education and the right to worship freely, I agree, but they deserve the right to pick any religion they want and not be fed one specifically by either their teachers or their parents. xx EDIT: Religious RE teachers as in RE teachers who are biased towards one faith in particular and think of the others as blasphemy, or as being wrong or less valuable in any way.
  18. Absolutely fucking disgusting IMO, Brainwashing kids, teaching whatever the fuck they want and it's never the kids choice. Opting not to teach a child the depths of understanding that mankind has reached about our own existance is just fucking cruel if you ask me. On the other hand, you have different fingers. xxx
  19. School is for queers anyway. Real men should be doing heroin behind the bike sheds, private school or otherwise. xx
  20. My cousin had one. He beat me at it so I broke it. He was a cunt. xx EDIT: I was a cunt. EDIT2: I'm still a cunt.
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