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MC Nice Andrew

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Everything posted by MC Nice Andrew

  1. Yeah ultrathanks to tbags for helpin out. Don't want to sound like im makin excuses for my playin, though everything was awai.
  2. We got plently riffz, you're just too -insert degrading verb - to get them. most fun iv had at a gig in a while - Ablach made abdy go insane for a wee bit, plus i know their songs now. Bar the 'everythingfelltobitsdrumkitmegahangoverplaystupiddrumz' experience i encounterd, i had a good time I r8 liked oblivion incarnate, made me smile alot.
  3. Thought it were about time i'd openly share my musical creations with AM public. Doing my honours in a form of composition; I'd like to see if anyone actually likes what im doing. Havn't done anything in a while, getting lazy, fat and ugly, the ones up here are from the past few years. Feedback and critique would be appreciated Shupostekud on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
  4. YouTube - BANGS Take U To Da Movies YYYAAASSS!!
  5. Never. sounds like a lot of nerdy gibbry joo if you ask me.
  6. Hate to derive from the thread aim but i have alot of work to do and need distraction; Surely if that 'Picture(s) made him laugh out loud' then he is allowed to emote how he felt upon seeing such a picture? Also maybe not nessicarily his own joke? Unless he took the picture. Thats right, alot of work.
  7. this thread is some what a paradox.
  8. I agree woth both statments, though i sincerley hope it is a grower, i hate to loose this band
  9. Brand New - Daisy Anyone heard it? The previous one took a while for me to get into but ultimately that was part of the appeal and subsequenty became one of my favorite albums. But this new one has left me less than excited; its quite alot more grungy which isn't a bad thing at all, though it's just i can't seem to see it's beauty, if it's there at all. Maybe my expectations were too high, anyone else feel the same?
  10. Kate Bush - Cloudbusting - the bit where the chorus of snares comes in
  11. Totally for got Meshuggah -Straws Pulled at Random - the solo bit.
  12. I remember stuff, think i was just talking about, cos it was devin and i hadn't had a chance to formulate an opinion on it. To be fair, iv not given it much a chance, though i will. power respect
  13. i didnt like it, bar the first track, just couldn't get into it. For Devin's Ki, i wasnt aware this ran onto another page. Yes, under pressure, that bit.
  14. American Mcgee's Alice - Actually a pretty poor game in terms of gameplay etc, but i loved it - ace visuals, awesome textures/level design. The whole visual concept pisses all over Tim Burton's rehash, starring Johnny Depp. I use the past tense but i'v been playin it for about 4 years, only just finished it last week, i get pretty frustrated with computer games.
  15. Cant rememeber their name, could be Kinetic? But it had something to do with a guy called charlie and his fanscination for guns.... i liked it. Iomega - turn the tables over? that was probably the name.... Uncalm - ignorance Seven Stone Under - Give unto him
  16. Maybe, it will involve seeing a whoop more bands I've never heard of and probably will fall on my ears with preempted cynicism AND dev's latest offering was far from fantastic, but maybe.
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