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Everything posted by davewarden

  1. This was happening to mine. sounds like your battery is fucked and/or youre charger. If its the same as mine check to see that the ligh at the charger input is always on when plugged in, wiggle it a bit too. My battery now holds about 10 mins of charge, went NE peripherals to got a new charger as that was fucked and they tried to sell me one for 45. The fan will probably be going nuts due to shit tons of dust inside (duh!), I once got told to shove a sock over a hoover nozzle and place it up to any cavities (on the laptop) and it should be safe enough.
  2. was completely lost on the way to an interview, had to ask an old woman for directions. Scorge George Street Tuesday afternoon walking
  3. wouldve gave it to you for nothing as its just taking up space.
  4. Ive got one you could have for very little,needs a resolder after huw fucked up his attempt
  5. bump multitrack gone, amp maybe gone, hardcase still available Everythig else apart from the records skacel bought is still there, willing to ship the records off for super cheap.
  6. posing with your guitars is the shitest thing a band can do
  7. this is either very funny or terrifying
  8. thought you did but havent got off my ass to check, I can take it to work tomorrow (george street) if you like
  9. pretty much no. Urban outfitters used to have some and there was some company still doing it but im not sure if they still exist, it was around 16 if I remember correctly
  10. they were even offered a helicopter to get them to the game on time, lads
  11. This is ace Half Man Half Biscuit - The Referee's Alphabet YouTube - Half Man Half Biscuit - The Referee's Alphabet
  12. one thats been bugging me for ages but I doubt anyone will have a name as its a chinese film that was on channel 4 late night around christmas time, around 7/8 years ago. Basically set in the early 1900's in beijing (I think), about a poor family who's daughter is stuck having to look after her elderly parents. Main thing I remember is a scene where someone (her younger brother I think) is rushed to hospital because he ate loads of dumplings, drunk some water which proceeded to make said dumplings expand and he almost died as a result. Like I say, I dont hold much hope and may have made the whole film up.
  13. left after the first song which I thought was terrible (also had work in the morning), take it they got better?
  14. the view and danananakroyd are the two recent bands that spring to mind (although the view already had their first single out if I recall correctly)
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