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Everything posted by fatboy

  1. you would buy a so cal model for that. I've been put off by floyd rose trems recently
  2. anyone got an old xbox? my one has stopped working could trade resident evil 4 on the wii street fighter II championship edition on the mega drive (cartridge only) The lord of the rings two towers ps2 (two copies available) super soccer snes (cartridge only)
  3. wouldn't know, boy has lugged me for a few years now
  4. I have a sim i have ejaculated on, any use?
  5. I can assume cobra kai will re-assemble for a wedding set, since we are well rehearsed at wedding gigs
  6. cummon, sim card are sold for 99p these days, plus O2 will give you free sim cards sent direct to your house. I thought you would know this already unless you have some relationship spying motive going on
  7. are the pick up covers black? noticed your post looking for some
  8. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/51158-wanted-bearded-musicians-for-beard-band/?view=findpost&p=800116&hl=%2Bbeard+%2Bband
  9. No I never got anything going, I'm happy to get something going if I can get a drummer! I'm a guitarist
  10. how much would you do the wired scratchplate with no humbuckers?
  11. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    the stringy bits from peel are called tickles because they tickle your throat if you eat them
  12. I have vague memories of this, and searched youtube, for the love of fuck I can't remember the name of the show. in the mall did they have some weird silver anamatronic mime thing that kid would get transfixed with???
  13. erm.... I think I have 7 already, I may pass mr milner
  14. google to the rescue lol http://groceries.asda.com/asda-webstore/landing/home.shtml?icid=home_so_mobile-apps/product/910001266736 Asda do them, more than an easter egg, an actual fucking breakfast set!!
  15. he doesn't condone it but readily tries to help me get one..... puzzled
  16. yeah he stayed in one of the granite mansions between the whitehorse and farmfood. some reason my pal dossed at his for a while, so i remember going round for rez joints and cheap frozen pizza from time to time. I actually cleaned his kitchen once cause of the immense mess it was in. another time we ended up catching the 23 to his girlfriends house, basically it was some young lead astray type who lived in the westend. I had no idea why she was into him, she was pretty hot. there was a guy who also lived above him people called manchester lee, weird skinny looking guy with a manic look in his eye. I remember him rolling up his sleeve to show me a horrible "m" tattood on his thin arm. the M stands for Megadeth apparently. coming from a guy with eminem/dr dre/the game posters all over his house. roger always had someone dodgy in his house. i got told off by some other english guy called lee for rolling the joints too tight
  17. I tried to set fire to his door with a yellow pages
  18. Which alien quadrillogy set do you have, could you link me to which one it is online.
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