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You Nazi

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Everything posted by You Nazi

  1. Ten years on and no criminal record. Blessed. In all seriousness though, life has turned out well. Hope it's been a good decade for everyone else.
  2. I got to hang out with the fun lovin criminals when they played the music hall many moons ago. They got into a big argument about the catering. Thats the best I can do.
  3. I'd make a list of the different people I've owed money to in the past and how much I owe them. Then I'd get extensive cosmetic surgery and move to Brazil.
  4. This is the reason nobody uses A-M anymore. Ok so some of the comments were expected from certain internet personas. But I'm pretty suprised at how many people are actually cunts. Give Ryan a break. He's done nothing to offend you (and don't say 'omg well hizzz face and video offended me lolololololzozzzozlz') It really isn't nice to shit stir.
  5. This is kinda harsh, guys. Chill out.
  6. I like that red leicester whirl stuff. Also, Primula is good for a snack.. so is this delicious black peppercorn cheese I had once.
  7. I'm fucking sick of everyone going on about this.
  8. Well... I have my lip, nose, tongue, septum, monroe, nipple, cartillage, 14mm lobe and 16mm lobe. Piercings aren't 'cool', they just make me feel tingly.
  9. yeah, sadly some of my work is in it this year.
  10. Whats the deal with the opening night? I havent heard anything about it yet...
  11. They're good photos, but a bit too cold atmosphere for a wedding.
  12. of course its a scam innit?
  13. girls get away with far too much. I wouldn't say breaking her wrist would be a good thing to do but she would deserve a fair slap back.
  14. Ahh Peep Show is class. I've only managed to catch one episode of the new series but its pretty damn good.
  15. Not looking forward to this snow like.
  16. just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  17. Damn. Looks like everyone had a smashing time. My costume remains unfinished in an angry heap on the floor. My halloween was spent getting the shit kicked out of me. Worst night ever.
  18. This is the first I've heard of them.
  19. I actually like the dress. If it wasn't that hideous shade of blackcurrant-vomit and the skirt wasn't so huge... it'd look ok. Jordan should have gone for a dress that didn't show off her jugs so much.
  20. The only place I've ever seen jager was in the duty free shop at Aberdeen airport departure lounge. Can't say I've really bothered searching for it though.
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