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Lexicon Devil

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Posts posted by Lexicon Devil

  1. so who are the saviours of metal? I say The Haunted!

    To be honest I'm not sure. The Haunted are ace. But so are many other bands that coud be considered the saviours I suppose. I'd think Perhaps Lamb Of God at the moment; they're really becoming very well known, write catchy yet technical songs and work hard.

    Perhaps the ultimate, Children Of Bodom. Although their older stuff is far more Metal in it's pure form than new stuff.

  2. Tomas Haake (Great off-beat drum patterns' date=' 7/8 played to 3/4 timing, need i say more)

    Nick Barker (Robotic timing, two handed ride patterns)

    David Silveria (good use of triggers)

    Pete Sandoval (Psycho)

    Mike Portnoy (i know hes not metal, but he rawks!!)

    Chris Wilkie (star, gel face, brutaliser, never moves while playing, so where does all the noise come from??) ha ha ha ha

    Just joking on that last one bazz!!, but i'm not too shabby on the old pedals![/quote']

    Add Hellhammer, Chris Adler, Abe Cunningham, Corey Pierce, The guy from Necrophagist, Derek Roddy, and a couple of others off my mind right now and that's a decent list.

  3. same as if you're walking along a pavement and you see someone you know coming your way in the distance. when do you say hi? where do you look til then? do you stare right at them?

    Even worse, someone you don't like, at what point do you make it obvious you've acknowledged their presence; how long can you go pretending you haven't seen them? Even more crucially, how many corner-of-the-eye glances can you take before being noticed?

  4. And lastly something profound -

    Speed doesn't come without power' date=' stamina and technique, unless you uncapable of playing fast without triggers to hide your inconsistencies.

    I've heard alot mentioned about certain metal drummers for instance who is the best, blah blah blah, and my opinion is that you may be able to play fast double bass, but if its stoppy starty and uneven, slow it down, because it sounds gash playing faster than your talent allows.

    Fast does not equal good, technique and style allows this, i've seen bill bruford playing the slowest fills live that sounded and looked more impressive than the fastest doublebass![/quote']

    Well said on that last part there.

    Gangadeen's good, but he's not one of the best in the world, as faras I'm concerned. He's bridged off into a lot of electronic stuff now, which is good to see. Not that I'm putting him down directly, just that I think there are many, many better players around.

    As for the triggers, if anything it's harder to play accuratley with triggers than a bass/basses with a standard mic set up.

  5. I agree with what you are saying regarding drum endorsements. I just think it is rediculous that a local drummer (who is pretty good) is described as better thant someone like Gene.

    I too agree, no disrespect to Milner, but I'd like to see him play some of Gene's grooves, I couldn't. I do also realise it wasn't Milner who stated it was better as my remark came off as if challenging him, it's certainly not.

  6. In fairness Gene Hoglan is one of the older and original speed guys, the sort that I would think the majority of extreme metal drummers look up to as their early inspirations. I would love to have received contact from him, in the faster metal drumming world I think it's fair to call him a legend. I've never heard much of his stuff but his reputation has pre-ceeded him.

    What happened to Lopez? Isn't he with Opeth anymore? I really liked some of his stuff.

    As for an endorsement with Zildjian cymbals that doesn't strictly reflect on his playing ability; I have seen big company reps explain how it's not always the best players that get the endorsement, firstly often the ones that will be spreading their name on stage to huge crowds although nowadays it's not quite as relevant. In this case though, it's justified, however that being said I believe it's Sabian that endorse him, along with Pearl drums.

  7. I can highly, highly recommend Archer. I find him to be a wealth of knowledge experience and I've learned so much from his lessons. He certainly doesn't just teach straight out of a book. Great value for the price too.

  8. The thing that shocked me about Orlaith is when she said to Big Brother that she had lots to do over the next 4 days, then continued to explain that she wanted to do her hair, makeup AND fake tan. Crikey, what a busy, constructive girl she is. It seemed sickeningly shallow.

  9. I don't really keep in touch with it, but occasionally watch. What the fuck is going on with Makosi? Is she pregnant with Anthony after something in the jacuzzi? I heard something along those lines but could anyone clarify? Cheers.

    Craig is a shit. I hate him, I also have noticed the way Anthony blatantly doesn't recognise that fact that Craig wants to bone him, and makes so many comments that come off as flirty towards craig. BAD MOVE!

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