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Skull Commander

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Everything posted by Skull Commander

  1. You may find it 'Interesting' to know that so far it has averaged a mark of 3/10 in most reviews!!
  2. I think Peter Kay is one of the most overrated comedians of recent times. All 3 of his live dvd's contain mostly the same jokes. He is mildly amusing, but very much a one trick pony when it comes to stand-up. Max and Paddy was quite poor, but pheonix nights is ok.
  3. I really enjoyed Metal gear solid on the ps1 when it first came out, but it was over far too quick, and did not have much replay value. The 2nd and 3rd on the ps2 do nothing for me. The cut scenes and codec conversations really take the piss. I like to play games, not listen to a moral debate on nuclear weapons and genetics!
  4. I think Aberdeen isn't too bad for hecklers, but when I went to see Johnny Truant at the cathouse in Glasgow there were a few really spiteful people with very nasty heckles. It was totally undeserved, but the band gave back as good as they got.
  5. I hate the chorus of THAT song by the killers. Also the 'charidy' way to amerillo song with Peter Kay proper pisses me off. It is not funny. Except Jimmy Saville in the video.
  6. Pro evo by a mile. Fifa is too simple, and does not have enough depth. Also pro evo 3 is better than pro evo 4, due to there being far too many sweet spots that get utilised by people online on pro evo 4.
  7. Aye, A few pints of 'Millers' could be in order.
  8. They are all crap, but east 17 were amusing with their chav stylings. STEAM!!!!
  9. I presume that thiis is the band in question: http://www.instruction-music.com/album04/index.html#top
  10. Alas, Dave Allen is really dead. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/4340115.stm
  11. I heard that he just died today. Confusion! Have I been duped??
  12. ......and now he seems to be out again.. Ginger (ex-Wildhearts) has conducted an interview with 'The Rock and Roll Geek Show' explaining the break-up of The Wildhearts and his involvement and subsequent non-involvement with Tracii Guns 'Brides of Destruction'. "On his decision to part ways with BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION less than two months after joining: "When I realized that I wasn't gonna really be able to put 100 percent into that, I figured it would be fair to tell them sooner rather than later that I wasn't gonna be able to do it. I don't believe in messing people about, so I told the guys. I mean, they were gonna get me a work visa, and they were gonna pay me for shows and stuff I just figured I'm not gonna take a penny if I'm not gonna last the duration I believe in being straight with people. . . It's important to salvage friendships, especially in the face of adversity in the shape of money and music I don't wanna lose friendships because of money or music. So I decided that I'd rather be these guys' friend forever than start an album that I wasn't gonna finish, or start a tour that I wasn't gonna finish. It was pretty much the same as THE WILDHEARTS back home. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to finish an album, so I told them before we even started. 'Guys, I ain't quittin' before the end, I'm quittin' before the beginning. This is as fair as it could possibly be. And bad news isn't gonna feel good whenever you find it out, so it's best to find it out sooner rather than later.'" On BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION guitarist Tracii Guns' recent statement that Ginger was involved in writing "a couple of the songs" the band are currently recording for their new album: "It wasn't a couple of songs, it was more like six. What we did was the whole band got in a room and wrote as a band. It was really cool times. It was great to write. Scott Sorry, the [new BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION] bass player, has been coming up with a lot of the lyrics. Scot Coogan, the drummer, has also been coming up with great lyrics and melodies. It's a very musical band. I'd like to see everyone's name on the credits for the six songs that we worked out, because that, to me, would be the fair way of doing it, 'cause everybody had an input. It doesn't really matter who wrote what and how much I wrote compared to how much someone else wrote. I just believe if everyone's worked, everyone gets credited for it. It's not really a monetary thing it's more just like respect for the work that people put it. It's yet to be seen If I'm supposed to be involved in a couple of songs, then obviously I'd say that's not necessarily true, 'cause I was involved in a lot more than a couple. I'd like to see my name credited on all of the songs, and if it's not, I don't really want it credited on any of them, to be honest. . . It's entirely up to the band how it ends up being credited and all that, but anyone who's heard anything that I wrote is gonna hear me all over the songs. I don't even need to tell people the ones I was involved with, 'cause when they hear it, my influence is all over them, and that sound isn't on the first album, and it isn't on the half of this album that I didn't have any involvement with. I just hope it's all done in a stand-up kind of manner. Whatever happens, THE WILDHEARTS fans, they're gonna hear my involvement, they're gonna go, 'Oh, yeah, sounds like a WILDHEARTS song".
  13. I'v had a wee listen to the mp3's and they sound very good. Musically they are interesting, and at least they are out there doing what they want to do. Seems some people on this thread are just being nasty for the hell of it. Maybe they should spend more time following their own dreams instead of sniping at other people's.
  14. Sunday nights are dull usually. Might have to pop along and sample some of the tuneage.
  15. My ego gets boosted by beating trash talking moronic americans on xbox live!!!!! 'I own you biiaatch!!!'
  16. Do you really think the British secret service share everything they know about terror and w.o.m.d. with the public?? The clue is in the title of the service
  17. How could I forget him!!! Easy Dave gets promotion to the top of the list!
  18. David Marshall Dave Gahan David Brent Dave Gordon!
  19. you should choose a console based on what games you want to play. Despite what people on this forum might lead you to believe there are more games than pro evo, fifa and gta! The ps2 has the most varied selection of games, and wins hands down for lightgun games such as time crisis 2 and 3, and crisis zone. Eyetoy is a lot of fun, and it has some of the best beat em ups available such as the tekken games, street fighters, and virtua fighter 4 evo. On the downside, the graphics are the worst of the 3 machines, and on multi format games the ps2's weakneses are really shown. The xbox has the best graphics, and has the built in memory, so no need for pesky memory cards. There are some cracking xbox only games such as halo 2, dead or alive ultimate, outrun and project gotham. It also is the best supported online service, and is very easy to set up and get going, unlike the ps2. On the negative side there is less variety of games for the xbox, and a distinct lack of japanese quirky games, if that is your thing. The gamecube is often overlooked, but is the best value machine on the market. It's graphics are almost comparable to the xobx, and it's cheaper than the ps2 and xbox. It does not have a dvd player built in, and suffers from a lack of 3rd party support, and there is no real online service (excluding fan servers for mario kart and phantasy star online), but still has corkers such as all the mario games, zelda, f-zero and as of next week resident evil 4! Personally I have all 3, and if pushed into keeping one only, it would be a close run thing between my xbox and ps2. Hope this helps you a bit.
  20. Static X have now replaced the pervert with their, former guitarist Koichi Fukuda.
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