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Everything posted by Bodast

  1. Good, because I'd fight you for him!!!! And I'd win.
  2. I totally fancy Weff Jebster, I think he's amazing
  3. I'm still on 30 too, have banned myself from it until I get some more stuff for uni read. Which is why I'm still on ab-music all afternoon.
  4. I don't know how to get it properly but here's an alternative clue: the letter appears 23 times in this post (excluding the quoted part from you). Any clues for 30? I have four letters and have tried various combinations and alterations but can't find the right way.
  5. You get the file by cracking the code
  6. Haha, I just remembered I got to 28 last night Now about some help on that one?! I have the clue person but that's all ?(
  7. Is that the equation one? If it is... Ignore the x10 bit because I don't think it fits that well All the left hand sides are 16 + 1 and all the right hand sides are 17. So you just have to figure out how to represent 17 for the last one. Someone help me with 26! I'm getting unsettled by having the same picture in front me me for so long.
  8. A bit confused on 26 ?( 25 took me ages, I was looking for something way too hard. 19 is fun
  9. I'm on 25. I think it's about time I stopped for now.
  10. The way you put in an answer is by entering the URL like www.weffriddles.com/_____.html Should work
  11. The answer to the first one is HIDDEN IN THE DARK
  12. I'm rubbish at clues But the answer to nine is nothing to do with what's written there.. (I'll PM you it if you want. If you help me with 13 when you get there.)
  13. Even if I wasn't already going to help, the programme name would persuade me
  14. Please can you tell me the best 'wa' to please my man?
  15. Double Bells and lemonade. For faster effects and mild disgust, double Wray and Nephews and Coke.
  16. I liked the guy who played Flaming. My favourite song off Piper.
  17. Is that a joke? If it's just being random numbers, I get it. If not, I don't get it. If it's a serious answer and it's correct, I don't get it.
  18. Haha, ace! That's my brother's friend. Let me through, I KNOW SOMEONE WHO KNOWS THE FAMOUS GUY!
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