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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. IDLEWILD TOUR 2005 JANUARY 22nd: Glasgow, RAMDA Concert Hall 23rd: Manchester, RNCM 25th: Bristol, St. Georges 26th: London, Shaw Theatre more dates to be anounced so i hear
  2. so you've gone international level?
  3. Shocking, why is the world so fucked up?
  4. ill save up my pocket money
  5. my mum saw tina turner and queen there
  6. there have probbly been many threads about sir roger hes an aberdeen celeb
  7. thanks to kirk we play moorings on the 15th of jan
  8. Nah it was the audio one but that one looks pretty cool aswell
  9. asda dont turn down ayone , i say this because i know somoene who works theyre and judging from his cv
  10. has anyone done this course, im thinking of doing i next year but i was looking to find out a bit more info on it, id only do it if it leant more to the recording side of things.
  11. so whos acctually taking control so i know who to pm
  12. to much goes on in that houst to be reality, i didnt say sharon didnt get cancer but there is always somthing in each epposode to make you think, what! like jack crashes his brand new bmw within an hour of getting it ozzy doesent want jack to go out because he has cocaine on his shirt (most fathers would have hit the roof and given a drugs are bad lecture)
  13. for me 2004 is the buld up to 2005 hopfully
  14. Daniel


    closest thing i found why the sheep?
  15. DO ya now what kind, price etc?
  16. does this mean promoters, venue holders only which would be great considering moshulu is getting big bands in and turning into a high profile venue
  17. you have to pay for the flight yourself and dont think your gonna get good Accommodation if any
  18. i say 12 because the mixer im thinking of buying has 12 inputs thats all, cheers
  19. i got a lovely mr-8 its really good at doing vocals, guitar and bass. but the only problem is that its only got one input, which is ok for doing; bass, vocals, guitar one at a time but im looking at recording a drum kit which is gonna use 6 microphone (6 inputs) so im looking at getting a mixing desk with 12 inputs in which i will adjust the volumes of each microphone and then play them through the output into the multitrack. is this a good idea or is their anything else i can do?
  20. i dont watch that anymore once i found out it was a acted story line
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