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Mick Maverik

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Posts posted by Mick Maverik

  1. I'm not sure if admitting to wanton acts of vandalism on a message borad is such a good idea! Couple of fire' date=' OK, but criminal damage may well get you in trouble! Not sure how the law deals with message boards as evidence....[/quote']

    Haha it was 3 or 4 years ago, I doubt anyone would follow anything up now :)

  2. I've done quite a few things in my time. But usually get away with it :) here's 3 of the best

    1) Age 13: set a fire in the country. the smoke spewed out onto the road causing the cars to stop on either side of the smoke till the fire brigade came to put it out. me, and my 2 friends who were with me, crept our way back to town, stealthing from bush to bush to avoid the police cars! my friend mike was shitting it all the way back! everytime a car passed he thought it was an unmarked police car!

    2) Age 14 or 15: There was a road works site building a road through an woodland area where i used to hang out all the time as a kid. Me and a couple of friends decided to send out the message we were pissed off about it! we waited till all the workmen had gone home... then we smashed up the vehicles, broke their tools, threw away bags upon bags of their cement into a nearby burn, damned the burn causing the area to flood and blew up some nearby oil cannisters. fun! we got away with that, but ironically got nailed a week later for playing on hay bails, of all things!! damn cop! (don't feel pity for the workers, our rampage meant extra labour for them! so we did them a favour really!)

    3) Age 12: a fire, now referred to by all who were present as: "the BMF, ie. the Big Mother Fucker". as it's name suggests it was a pretty damn big fire. me and 3 mates were pissing around in some wood surrounded by a field of dry bracken (you know what's coming next), one of us suggested lighting a fire, so we did. i then pointed out that maybe it was a bad idea, but my friend neil just said "fuck it!" i handed him the match and up it went. it wasn't too bad for a few mins, but by this time i was running like a motherfucker! i looked back only to see my friend mike trying to hit it out with dry gorse (bless)... he succeeded in spreading it in 5 places instead! fuck! in the space of about 5 minutes we were a safe distance away from the fire had spread to the size of somewhere in the region of a 1st division football pitch! we watched from a safe distance as 3 fire brigades turned up, followed by 2 police cars. we got off with that one too. we always got caught for the stupid stuff.... never the actual bad stuff we did!

    That brings us up to date! Age 18 and a perfect little angel now.... :angel:

  3. It just wont be same with out Kai Hansen

    How so? Weiki wrote almost all of Keeper II, which IMO beats the crap outa Kai's Keeper I. Also I think he's over-rated as a Guitarist, I much prefered Weiki & Roland's solos. Sascha did ok on RDCE, we'll see how he holds up this time around.

  4. Andi Deris

    Any Deris fans here? I just bought his last solo album, "Done By Mirrors", and think it's a pretty damn decent album. I've heard his first one "Come In From The Rain" is meant to be better, anyone heard it?

    Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part III

    Also on a Deris / Helloween note, the band are supposed to be putting out a third Keepers album this year! How do you think it'll hold up? This'll be the first Keepers album to feature Deris, think he's up to it? As a massive Helloween / Deris fan, I can't wait! What's everyones' thoughts?


  5. Hey man, Grant and I have been getting things sorted and we've found a drummer. We're gonna try get a jam ASAP, when are you free? We're thinking along the lines of Cap Tom's, sometime within the next week?


  6. Hey man, would you be up for a jam? I'm a guitarist, 18, and I love loads of 80s Rock and Metal. I have plenty riffs and play mainly rhythm so that would leave you free to rip it up on lead guitar. If you want to hear any of my music: Demos

    Listen to Riffs 1 & 4 , Beauty & Heavy Metal Vibe if you want an idea of what I have to offer.


  7. I bought the Balls to Picasso remaster yesterday mainly for the bonus disc' date=' which has a song called the Breeding House on it which rocketh mine sockeths. I also bought the first Skid Row album :D[/quote']

    I think I'll buy that as well, I love Balls To Picasso. I own all of Skid Row's albums, they fuckin' rock! Well, at least they did..... "Thick Skin" :puke:

  8. Just got the re-master of "Chemical Wedding", it's fantastic! And the bonus tracks are actually really good! I really don't know why "Return Of The King" and "Real World" never made the original album! I'd have quite happily chucked "Machine Men" or "Trumpets Of Jericho" for them! Recommend to all Metal fans. If you have the original, it's still worth it for the 3 new tracks and sound quality.


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