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Mick Maverik

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Posts posted by Mick Maverik

  1. Personally I find within the genre-of-instrumental-guitar-that-isn't-jazz' date=' Steve Vai the most interesting, innovative person to listen to whereas Satriani to be the boring 'melodic lines' over dull chord progressions.

    Satch however does pull off some nice things on stage and 'Ice #9' is fucking ace.[/quote']

    I didn't say I love Satch, I just find him more listenable. And does innovative mean playing dissonant chord sequences while fret wanking over the top? Try some Marty Friedman, or Andy Timmons. Both offer a good mix of originality and melodic sensibilities - Friedman especially.


  2. Man, I really can't understand Vai fans. I mean he has an occasional stroke of genius (The Animal, Fire Garden, Tender Surrender spring to mind) but most of his stuff (IMO) is unlistenable wank. Satch is guilty of it as well, but not half as much. I like a strong sense of melody in Guitar instrumentals. Anyone tried anything along the lines of: Marty Friedman, Andy Timmons, Steve Morse?


  3. Ha ha! Can't wait for Jester to jump in here with a spirited defence of Marillion. That said' date=' I'm sure my love for Dire Straits, Paul Simon, Willie Nelson etc would be classed as pretty bad by many on here, so each to their own, music's subjective etc etc.

    That said, there's no defending liking Marillion, Genesis and Ray Wilson. ;)[/quote']

    Mark Knopfler is the man! Dire Straits are ace :D

  4. I think the media should lay off talking about "a muslim problem"' date=' the word "muslim" is all to often used on the news, how often have you heard a white guy being described of as "christian" (or whatever), before a story about them is told ?

    "a male Christian rapist held the woman for 4 hours...blah blah..."


    why ? is it because a christian wouldn't rape someone ? or is it not important we know that?

    much like the (I imagine) 95+% british muslims want nothing to do with these nutters who blow themselves up.

    I'd imagine that if there was less racial / religious stereotyping ON the TV, people might get a bit less scared of "mr boogaboo" and start thinking straight.[/quote']

    We don't say "Christians" because the majority of white people in the UK ARE Christian. The Uk is considered a Christian country. If you go to another country which has a different predominant religion, you'll find caucasians will more often be reffered to as Christians. And most of (if not all) the offenders so far have been Muslim, so it can be seen as a Muslim problem. But that doesn't necessarily mean ALL muslims. I have Indian friends who are Muslims, and down to earth, sound guys. Basically, my view is: get our troops the fuck out of where they don't belong, send home all these fucking extremist wankers, and get back to whatever we consider the norm.


  5. Bastard :D Right, ok, 80 it is. I need the cash. If you want it ASAP, we can seal the deal tomorrow. I work at Cash Convertors, so if you want to come down at 5:30, you can pick it up then. As I said: Iceman, Fender Gig Bag, Packet of unused Ernie Ball strings. If you can't manage that, I'm free all day tuesday? Get back to me ASAP

    Andy :D

  6. Ibanez Iceman / Black With White Trim / Was Around 300 New / Good Nick

    115 is the asking price, but I will consider near offers. The Guitar is a couple of years old but in good nick, bar a small dent which is hardly noticable as it has not chipped the paint work. The Guitar needs re-strung, but I'm throwing in a spare set of new Ernie Ball strings I have. I am also throwing in a Fender padded gig bag, which is worth around 30 itself.

    Andy :cheers:

  7. Just goes to show that beauty is only skin deep

    What I meant was, they are pretty, but it's ruined by voices roughened by smoking and whatever else, shitty personalitys, and narrow outlooks. Not purely on their looks.


  8. You do get some hot neds. I always think it's a waste. And I used to live around Glasgow so STFU, stop making sweeping statements like that, to all who were. But yeah, I've seen one or two hot girls, dressed in track suits, capped, with voices rougher than a badgers arse... it's such a waste...


  9. I usually have:

    Bass 8-9

    Treble 8-9

    Mid 5-6

    Gain 8-10

    Presence 8-9

    I love this setup, but it depends what kind of heavy you want to go for? Metallica? Slipknot? Sabbath? You need to be more specific, if you want better ideas.


  10. Okay my turn' date=' first and foremost this time it doesn't matter if you like the song. There has been some comments that are good and some bad, SO What, I'm not anoyed. Let's look at what this song is about, a 13 year old's view of what happened in London (yes he was 13 last Saturday). The lyrics are simple they were meant to be. The tempo? if you listen to the drumbeat at the start you will see that is at the speed of a slow march, therefore the tempo throughout the song. We keep hearing about Brendon's guitar playing well in my opinion there are a lot of guitarist twice his age would like to play as good as him (my opinion) Have any of you taken into consideration that Brendon does'nt only play the guitar on his recordings he plays the drums, bass, and keyboards helps in the production and the mix. I never hear anything about this. There is no soundcards, computers, use of "Reason" everything that is recorded he has played live.

    Jimmy Jaz you almost said some thing nice be carefull LOL.

    Thanks for your comments guys good or bad.


    Disagree, most guitarsits I know twice his age are indefinately better. The lyrics are simple, but regardless of what they are meant to be, they don't work with this song. The drums and bass are adequete, but anyone could get to this level within a short period. Seriously, promote him as a musician, not a kid gimmick. I think he has some talent and I expexct some great things of him, but if you keep promoting him as you're doing, he'll just become a memory, of the gimmick kid.


  11. Hmm, I hate to say it, but I really didn't care for this one at all. I didn't like the vocal style, the kind of Placebo voice. The Guitar work was very run of the mill, and I didn't care for the solo, not enough emotion. The lyrics I couldn't get a feel for either, they were too cliched. But don't take it to heart, I like some of Brendon's work, this is just a slip along the way.

    But as stated above, stop promoting him as "12 year old brendon" and "self taught". You'll get much more constructive criticism this way, and because almost all the Guitarists I know are self taught, and some damn good ones at that, it's not really that big a deal. Take this with a pinch of salt. This isn't meant to offend, it's just pure honest advice and constructive criticism (to my understanding anyway).


  12. Assuming guitar amps as opposed to bass amps.

    As a ballpark then a 50W valve amp would produce more than enough. For transistors you'd be look at upwards of 90W.

    IMO - the best solution (provided you can afford it) is a ~100W valve head with a suitable powerbrake (recommend Marshall) and a stereo 4x12" angle cab. This would enable you to produce your desired sound(s) at pretty much any volume regardless of whether a PA is involved or not. It would also keep the sound engineer happy. The stereo cab gives you the option to output through 2 speakers or all 4 speakers depending on the size of the stage and whether or not you are going through a PA' date=' and how much stage volume you require offset against the signal strength the sound engineer requires for a good signal to noise ratio. The angle cab helps direct the sound towards your ears assuming that you are going to be much closer to it than the crowd. In the event that you are standing within 15 feet of the cab then you should consider raising it 12"-18" off the deck... unless you are extremely short or have lost your legs in some horrific accident.

    Try and go for the most versitile head available.[/quote']

    Would, but don't have the funds. I think at the moment, am seriously considering a Vox AD100 Valvetronix. They seem to sound quite nice and seem very versatile with the option of adding an additional speaker. One guy has praised them already. Anybody else have one? Pros and cons if you could?


  13. I've got a Vox AD50VT' date=' I'm really happy with that, you can mess around with the reverb settings for however you want it. plus its got a good selection of amps to choose from on it. AC30, fender tweed 4x12, couple marshall's, mesa boogie. Worth a try anyway, they do higher and lower wattage ones as well.[/quote']

    Hmm I checked these out, they seem very nice. I'm seriously considering it just now. But dunno whether to go for the 50 or 100 one?


  14. http://asia.news.yahoo.com/050713/afp/050713110028top.html

    This has really got to stop...

    In my opinion' date=' the UK/US shouldn't even be there now(perhaps they shouldn't have been there at all, knee jerk reaction to 9/11 and all that). Their questionable job is done, they got Saddam, get the fuck out!!!

    Another thing, sadly all the news here focuses on the UK bombings, whilst in Iraq/Israel etc it's happening every day.


    Someone please kill George Bush asap... he deserves it. :swearing:[/quote']

    I agree that we should never have gone in the first place, but tell those stupid fuckers to get a fucking life and stop blowing people up! I mean for fake sake, murdering innocent children to get at enemy soldiers is unforgiveable. But I guess the trouble would die down if our troops would just get the fuck out....

    Closing thoughts:

    Terrorists, Iraqi - Get a Fucking Life

    Terrorists, American (what? that's what they are!) - Get a fucking brain

    George Bush and Tony Blair - Get tae fuck!


  15. Anyone recommend anything. 50 - 100 watts, budget is 300-400. Lookin for somethin that'll do for balls to the wall rock like GN'R, right through to Megadeth, and with a decent clean & reverb.

    Checklist for tried already:

    Spider II - not bad, but nah

    Marshall AVT series - Good, but not what am lookin for

    Marshall MG series - (see above)

    Laney TF series - decent, but the bass buzz is a problem

    Laney mx / hardcore range - :puke:

    I'll consider Hybrid or Solidstate, as long as it's good. (Valve ones are outa my price range and require too much maintenance for me to be assed)


  16. If anyone does - Faster Pussycat still do reunion shows in LA and Taime Down DJ. They're still shit.

    Brett Micheals from Poison is a country and western singer in the same vein as shite like Garth Brooks. CC Deville is fucked up on drugs.

    Faster Pussycat rock man :p I think they are fuckin' ace! Music is too whiney, growly and mediocre these day. Whatever happened to the days of balls to the wall gritty verses and big cheesy sing along choruses? :D


    p.s. you can't really define a metal head, there are so many different branches of it. Power Metal is a far cry from Death Metal for e.g. All in all it's just music.... :)

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