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Everything posted by ...mole...

  1. it is ace however ive only played it for a few hours so i havent even tried the singleplayer
  2. i have tried using VST programs to substitute for it, even tried pitch to midi software to trigger vst synthesisers there just crap though, looks like im gonna have to be buying a new one , unless a bargain comes about on ebay
  3. good choice id love that to be played at my funeral "Surprise! you're dead! Ha ha! open your eyes Surprise! you're dead! Guess what? It never ends..."
  4. Rush - cygnus x-1 book 2 or dream theater - Metropolis Pt.1 i just find these songs amazing
  5. im looking for a guitar synth of any age/type cheaper the better lol Email me at mole98@gmail.com
  6. hes good for his age but his playing lacks depth and is just plain boring if he was another 10 years older he wouldnt be getting this much attention for his playing
  7. King Crimson The 80's matchbox B-line disaster Megadeath
  8. ill have to agree with willum with the album being amazing i dont have it yet but i got a listen to willums copy while driving home good work
  9. Epiphone Les paul is all i have atm looking to buy an ibanez JEM555 sometime though for bass i have my Ibanez BTB406qm 6-string
  10. im just back and got to saay kick ass gig guyss this is the second time ive seen atom Good show Risactonia were fecking ace as well
  11. i dont buy much DVD's but this will be one ill definetly get
  12. im kinda interested in the sitar ive been looking afor one for a while just never got round to buying one ill have a think about it then send you an email if i seriously consider buying it im a little strapped for cash atm
  13. ...mole...


    so how do you prononce 5ive anyway is it just fiive or fiveive
  14. ...mole...


    i guess ill just crawl in a corner and die then
  15. dream theaters cover of Rush's different strings is good its on one of there bootlegs methinks
  16. I wish i couldve been there i love Rush ah well ill just have to wait for the next time they decide to venture up to scotland
  17. well they make me laugh, but isnt that what clowns are supposed to do
  18. yea well i just hate it who wants to listen to someone talking fast about how much money they have or how much money they dont have
  19. *mainstream* Rap music linkin park Korn funeral for a friend ummm probably more i can think of but my brain isnt switched on just now
  20. I use sonar 3 producer edition for recording stuff id thouroughly recomend it ive tried cubase as well thats also very good i just seem to prefer sonar 3 for some reason i have a load of synth VST instruments which is fun to play around with lol
  21. i use a carlsbro 90W bass amp only cost me 220 i think cant remember ive had it for about a year and a half now and its done ok in that time its just not the best of quality but good value for money.
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