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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. you've never heard the butchers of bakersfield hog. or have you been spying on our band practices??
  2. i thought it was hilariously awful, but in a good way.
  3. drilling a hole might stop the crack increasing, but its by no means a guarantee. to my knowledge, the sizzle isnt fixable. if the cymbal's less than a year old, take it back to the shop and get it returned, most cymbal companies will have no problem doing this.
  4. Bobby


    now THATS a question! How long before joe mangle works his charm on lyn?
  5. So you went for the traffic cones after all?
  6. ace. i shall try to attend at least one of these gigs.
  7. Tauntra were pretty good. Howards alias were very good. the guitarist is amazing. not particualrly flashy but a total natural. i wish i could play like him.
  8. Bobby


    ace!!! "you only love yourself"
  9. Bobby


    ahahhhahaha ace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! darth vader is lance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. if theres one good thing about elgin, its the kebab shop......mmmmmmmm
  11. not on friday and sunday im not. thats two nights of drinking i'll have to reschedule.
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