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Everything posted by rune

  1. For sure, this cd is great, also had the extreme pleasure of hearing a red chord bootleg. Even more incredible!
  2. Had a listen, way to plain sounding and nothing new for me
  3. Guess i should share your sarcasm with my friend paul catten who sings for them and tell you what he thinks of you Why even post such a comment? Nothing constructive to think or do?
  4. Lazarus blackstar, so awesome really. One of the best uk bands i have heard in a long time http://www.myspace.com/lazarusblackstar
  5. rune


    Famous or not, this album is complete shit. Wouldn't suprise me in the least if these guys have been manufactured.
  6. You obviously don't see my point. You haven't even explained your comment. If you don't get the point i'm trying to get at, you really never will. This is completely pointless.
  7. You still haven't answered my question
  8. Read the topic name. Are you that stupid? Since when did you contribute to the opinions of people's views of sigur ros's performance at the carling academy? You didn't. This is the feedback forum you know. You obviously haven't seen the lstening charts on the aberdeen music audioscrobbler group. I rest my case.
  9. Why do people who never went to sigur ros post on this thread? This off topic crap ruins alot of threads on this board. It is so immature and petty. There are so many people on this board that don't appreciate talent.
  10. Just got the new amen live cd. Really nice. Managed to get hold of a rare neurosis cd called short wave warfare for 8 quid, really awesome
  11. Dead Kennedys - Plastic Surgery Disasters-In God We Trust, Inc because it has nazi punks fuck off, a real great track
  12. That would be interesting, is mr barlow in the line up?
  13. Incredible for sure. The more the gig went on the better it got. Reznor puts in such a great performance. That's a man who really deserves a very large fan base. Saul williams was different with a new sound from a genre that doesn't really do that. Wasn't really for me but the man new his music. I really liked the last track though. Seemed more powerfull and had way more direction with the sound and vocals.
  14. Yeah sigur ros was very nice. those weegee fuckers who talked through the sets were arseholes. I've been to the carling academy twice, it's always warm just so they can get more profits from drink sales . That really isn't right. Oh and yeah the security guys are assholes, the more i see them, the less they impress me. I really do think they detract the enjoyment of a gig due to their macho attitudes
  15. I would love to kill the techno fucker that invented this shit. You can't even escape it on the web. Utter shite
  16. Just continue living in your own little small igsignificant reality then........
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