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Everything posted by rune

  1. 260 tracks lasting 1 hour 20
  2. Just recently got into eits, they have a good sound
  3. Yeah its two cd, with material from alot of their split cds also with unreleased material. Remastered too. It's been out for a few days now.
  4. Fear of god (incredible!!), pig destroyer, nasum, discordance axis, as the sun sets, orchid, daughters, agoraphobic nosebleed (their new cd is very nice), ion dissonance, cephalic carnage, circle of dead children, phobia, ed gein, kill the client, leng tche, red chord, mortician, rotten sound and watchmaker
  5. There are far too many people who depend on mtv2 and kerrang for their musical needs. This in theory means that alternate music that doesn't get featured here doesn't exist. I will never let the media run my life. Fuck TV, Fuck corporations and fuck magazines. I don't need some pretensious cunt telling me what i should do with my life. I will always decide and find out for myself via the internet. I really hate the idea of being a guinea pig and being force fed ideas. Then again when people try and introduce some new band on this forum, so little feed back. This is a total representation of what's happening in aberdeen.
  6. Nice thanks for the advice Never really to keen on edinburgh :\
  7. Scottish dates 17th August, Wednesday, Barfly, Glasgow 18th September, Sunday, Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh The new Oceansize album, "Everyone Into Position", will be released on September 19th and will feature tracks, which are as follows: 1 - The Charm Offensive 2 - Heaven Alive 3 - A Homage to a Shame 4 - Meredith 5 - Music for a Nurse 6 - New Pin 7 - No Tomorrow 8 - Mine Host 9 - You Can't Keep A Bad Man Down 10 - Ornament / The Last Wrongs No aberdeen date, that really fucking sucks. Let down yet again. New cd should be great though, that's something i guess
  8. Yeah! Awesome news. Tool stuff sounds better on vinyl
  9. Your stance on singles is somewhat flawed. Only successfull bands with a name for themselves get radio time. Then that leaves smaller lesser known bands out in the cold from your view. The radio is geared towards more popular bands so they can generate more listeners. I'm not agreeing with this stance, it's just the way it is. One other thing there are bands who believe in their talent and do not need/want to release singles. I personally don't really care about singles, i judge bands from their albums
  10. Don't accuse me of putting words into your mouth. You made your stance now live with it and see your errors
  11. So say a band like tool or aereogramme shouldnt tour just because it suits you?
  12. Yeah thanks for that, seen them a few times. Good band
  13. Since when did you define the music that i like and don't like?
  14. I try to introduce a new band with new music in this thread and all alot of you can do is attack. Utterly pathetic. It won't stop me from posting. You people will never make me do from what i want.
  15. Why must people on this forum destroy constructive threads with ignorance and sarcasm? This really is so pathetic
  16. Looks like some people will never grow up or learn from their own ignorance. Your post is proof that you are a complete moron with nothing good to say. I think it says it all that whenever i make a valid point and you respond with off topic ignorance that it really justifies that you are so very immature.
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