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Everything posted by calum

  1. I don't quite know what to make of that..... Yeah, I just confirmed who you are as well. I also found out precisely who both Gumpy and Alkaline are.....
  2. O.K., post mortem time, folks. Let's hear it.
  3. What? We don't know when we're playing, Beth! Careless talk costs lives, namely yours, courtesy of Dave, if you spread rumours about stage times......
  4. Oh aye, I saw that. The guy from wingsunfold said nothing more gets done until they pay. Maybe if they spent their time earning cash instead of drawing shite logos then they would be able to pay.
  5. I too have heard murmurings of a compilation.
  6. Doors are at 8pm. First band, 8:45pm. Curfew, 11pm.
  7. Do I spy the OC back in Stephen's avatar? If not, it looks helluva like him.
  8. Me too Tye. You're one of Beth's friends, right?
  9. Where did your forums go? It comes up with something about the site expiring.
  10. Doors in 24 hours. Be there. This is going to SLAY.
  11. calum

    Foyer Music!

    I believe Terance is incapable of using capitals in an appropriate fashion.
  12. Tomorrow night!! Please come along, despite the quite frankly extortionate entry fee.
  13. Yeah, but you have to consider who those three bands are. Oh. Wait. I see your point now.
  14. I'm with Mr. Officer. The guy is a dickhead.
  15. All I'll say is that Thrice are my favourite band, and in accordance with the theme of this thread, I'll explain why. The structures are interesting, the guitar parts are a mix of pretty much everything good, Dustin Kensrue is a brilliant siger/screamer and lyricist and the drumming is amazing. The lyrics are very different to your standard emo "I've lost my girl" type pish. Overall, in my opinion, everything they do is intelligent, original and catchy. Go listen to "Under a Killing Moon" or "Paper Tigers" and tell me they are emo.
  16. Your avatar actually bears a vague resemblance to you! Although I could be wrong as I ain't seen you in ages dude!
  17. Maxwell, get out of my thread. In other news, Black 22 have now pulled out, so there has been a price hike from 25p to 33.3333333p per band. Direct all complaints to Terance.
  18. I can see a big "what is emo" discussion coming here. And you know what, I'm going to take part in it. I'm bored.
  19. OnlyXXXproblemXXXbeingXXXthatXXXThriceXXXaren'tXXXreallyXXXanXXXemoXXXband.XXX
  20. Also, "I find Charlie Chaplin about as funny as getting an arrow through my neck, and then discovering that there's a gas bill attached to it." "I thought the war started because a man called Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry." "Was the man who burned Jean of Arc simply wasting good matches?" Enthusiastic and friendly Frenchman: "Aaaahh, bonjour monsieur!" Blackadder: "Sod off." Also, Lord Flasheart is a classic character.
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