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Laxton's Superb

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Everything posted by Laxton's Superb

  1. NME is missing it by ignoring the like sof Hope of the States, please tel me how Razorlight are so exceptionally talented? Don't lap up every word that dentally challenged moron Borell says
  2. incidentally, Dave was yankin' my chain with all that Metallica and Gn'R talk, wasn't he?
  3. i can see where your coming from right enough, does sound a little lethargic, still.....
  4. oh come on! what's not to like, especially considering Sea Change was pretty middle of the road.
  5. just lucky ill be at home with jimmy jazz and ancient mariner then, innit?
  6. This revelation obviously meant a lot to the Daily Mail who dedicated a whole page full of interesting smarties related facts, including how they were originally called chocolate beans, and some used to be coffee flavoured. fascinating
  7. there were posters dotted around of various lyrics, including Interpol, The Smiths and the Killers.
  8. Ol' spoof is just about on his last legs, he's a cat, but still.....
  9. Hope of the States at Tin the Park, they just walked on.....but it was Hope of the States! they did tear into the Black Amnesias, made my day/festival
  10. Bourne Supremacy for best film i reckons.
  11. Kings of leon cannot be considered a new band for heaven's sake!
  12. ah yes, peep show, so much better than Little Britain, though not hard to be of course.
  13. i would have made sure Razorlight were in no way recognised, devoid of talent as they are, and also, how can you have a video as good as 'evil' and not win an award for it? best British band - Hope of the States.
  14. who was it that suggested this little idea then dave? noticed they were gone on Wednesday though
  15. no i am referring to the 1980's politically charged Glaswegian band of the same name....twat. how very controversial, if i were reffering to stalin i would have chosen any of the following stalin josef S or....josef stalin.
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