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Laxton's Superb

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Everything posted by Laxton's Superb

  1. anything emo indeed....and those f*****g song titles! 'This photograph is proof', utter drivel!
  2. then again, one of them did get rid of sum twat in the exodus toilet who was trying to charge people for using the hand-dryer, apparently he had children to support......
  3. one of the exodus bouncers tried to deny me entry, claiming i was slurring my speech, despite having literally not said a word to him. after some bargaining he did eventually let me in though.
  4. Bryan Adams? Bon Jovi? Guns n' Roses!!!!???? i dunno what that DJ's name is (though he looks like Meat Loaf), but that was a poor show... also, he doesn't wash his hands after going to the toilet, on the plus side he did play Interpol and the Smiths so it aint all bad i guess.
  5. hardcore pro evolution, sadly i cannot make the love jam at Cleaner's
  6. you will see Cleaner's head above everyone elses, trust me, he'll be the first thing you notice!
  7. ah yes, apparently im a goth, a vampire, and cute!
  8. who, Demon Cleaner? lanky, affable goon
  9. ive had opportunities too!! i just aint as easy as you.....he shoots, he scores!
  10. The Aussies seem to be pretty keen on them...maybe we could offload them?
  11. you missed New Found Glory? Thank your lucky stars!!!
  12. look at him runnin' away with his tail between his legs.....
  13. after some sleuthing i just discovered you were born in 1975! you shouldn't be in clubs anyway, you lecherous pervert!
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