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Everything posted by Skacel

  1. is santa still allowed to have you on his lap?? in case hes a paedo.
  2. personally i don't care about labels, if i like the music then thats all that matters.
  3. thats a shame, thought she was really good live
  4. pj harvey - -carling academy slipknot - secc youth movie soundtrack strategies - drakes were yeah yeah yeahs this year? its all kind of a blur maybe they were last year idlewild - flakrik town hall the departure - moshulu biffy - moshulu i have to say moshulu did an awesome job with gigs this year.
  5. yeh jack skeleton was good!!!!!
  6. wait a minute your not an art teacher are you??
  7. long road out of hell http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i8zlez1ia2g8
  8. http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i8zksluerf4 here is my master piece of shit.
  9. hhmmmmm beastiality isn't that what christmas is really about?
  10. awesome i look forward to hearing it!!!
  11. yeh ur right man. release of the year: GUTS ON FIRE OF NORTH EAST SCOTLAND - WE SKULL FUCKED SADDAM HUSSEIN.
  12. jimmy eat world - futures or mcr- 3 cheers for sweet revenge or jay-z/linkin park - collision course
  13. yeh or some acid electronic jazz all the way from scandinavia.
  14. haha i thought that was on my computer and wondered why it wasn't going away when i clicked it.
  15. pimp my ride getting a limo putting nos, alloys, hydrolics, and paiting it pink then going for a cruise listeningto radio los santos maybe a bit of a drive by. it was weird the other day i was driving about on a sanchez but just as a got on it a hill billy jumed on the back so went for a climb up mount chiliad(whatever its called) then plummeted off killing me and him. the monster truck: took one and out it in my garage during the missio with it. its pretty nuts the soundtrack is cool, if not infectious, haven't been able to listen to a guitar for about a month its all been ice cube dr dre nwa, alot of west coast gangsta shit.
  16. :laughing: thats ace extreme neil sorry i mean hugh. sorry Mr. Dallas to you.
  17. didnt that nearly happen around there? a woman jumped out of a window to get away from the attacker and messed her face up when she landed. scary stuff!!
  18. thats never as funny as my granny joke alot sicker but never funnier, unless your a psychopath, then i might be quite amusing.
  19. i wasn't sure if i could pull it off over the internet maybe not or maybe your sense of humour just sux or indeed maybe mine sux.
  20. to tell your granny on christmas day. whats got 50 legs and no teeth? the front row of a daniel o donnel concert.
  21. yeh i realised that later when i was thinking about it :O
  22. stop swearing learn to rap like a west coast gangsta make it to 3rd year uni fuck 3rd uni its almost time to live in the real world maybe move out, sell car blah blah blah get a summer job but heaven forbid a summer placement fuck that. thats enough for one year,
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