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Andy Mulhern

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Everything posted by Andy Mulhern

  1. Chris T-T Homepage MySpace.com - Chris T-T - Brighton/London - Indie / Alternative / Folk - www.myspace.com/christtuk New Single "This Gun Is Not A Gun" released on Monday 19th November Making a welcome return to Aberdeen, this time with a full band in tow, is one of England's finest songwriters, Chris T-T - a man certainly not afraid to keep his opinions to himself, but its fair to say he has his "political comment down to a T-T" (The Sunday Times). Chris T-T is direct, stinging, fearless. T-T is acclaimed for vivid, outspoken, inventive songwriting and occasional bursts of withering sarcasm. T-T songs are fiercely literate, brimful of unique perspective and underpinned by a strong sense of place. Hes an aural agitator that everyone from The Sunday Times to NME has raved about. His carefully crafted songs about suicide bombers, war, serial killers, life, death, sellotape and sex often get members of his audience riled, and though there have been a few frightening threats, he's never yet been punched! He's released four full-length studio albums, one live collection and a pile of singles and EPs. His most recent release, 9 Red Songs (Oct 2005), is a folk-protest mini-album. His previous two albums, The 253 (2001) and London Is Sinking (2003) form two-thirds of a trilogy about London. The final installment Capital is now recorded and ready for release through Xtra Mile Recordings. His support CV includes Ben Folds, British Sea Power, The Divine Comedy, Elbow, Tom Robinson, Brakes, Electric Soft Parade, Quasi, Emma Pollock (Delgados), Jim Bob (Carter USM), author Iain Sinclair, KT Tunstill, Madrugada, Hefner, Robyn Hitchcock, Ricky Ross (Deacon Blue) and many others. "The genius of Chris T-T's songwriting is his ability to humanise even the most outlandish conceits. They seem instead like brilliant ideas that no-one else could've come up with." The Guardian Capital-centric folk wonder funny, touching and smart NME "A national gem of a songwrtier" The Independant "Fantastically intricate masterpieces... utterly indispensable... genius... a modern-day Blake." Sunday Times, Top 5 Album of the Year 2003 "Surreal with a friendly but firm political clout ... check out this singular talent" MOJO "The joy of Flaming Lips and the humanity of Ray Davies. Time Out, Critics' Choice, 2003
  2. if you are "Suffering from Scottishnesss" have a listen here MySpace.com - Dumb Instrument - Ayrshire, UK - Folk / Jazz / Experimental - www.myspace.com/dumbinstrument
  3. True, however, the 'Big Bank' is known as 'The Lender of Last Resort' and this is the first time it has been used as such in 30+ years... ? also todays loan will be at a premium to NRs usual and may affect them in the longer-term once (or if) things settle down. Be afraid, but be calm, be afraid, but be calm, be afraid, but be calm, be afraid, but be calm.......
  4. a bit harsh but im sorry for doubting you my initial reaction was it just didnt look right, esp the "Death R US" on the last window,
  5. which provoked a comment here on abdn-music, which provoked..... which provoked my reply
  6. tonight also Ross Clark in session with Vic Galloway on BBC Radio Scot tomorrow night
  7. ahhh bump for next week.... Ross Clark looks very entertaining live, not caring too much for the stage at times and not unknown to run out of the venue?! His CD is excellent too.
  8. Sounds great, and in upstairs theatre also Pity I cant spare the 9 entrance
  9. Back to what I suppose is the "essence" (?) of Vocoustics, we are proud to present 3 excellent troubadours in the form of a Welshman living in Amsterdam, an eloquent young Glaswegian bespectacled a'la Buddy Holly and a local anti-folk upstart..... www.myspace.com/davielawson - www.davielawson.net www.myspace.com/electricpolyester www.myspace.com/ryrywalker "Davie Lawson easily gets away with this age-old concept because he has delivered well above-average songs containing echoes of a young Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Tim Buckley." (OOR review, June 07) "There aren't many singer/songwriters who can shine solo without having to deliver fancy guitar work to back it up, Davie Lawson can. With his high singing voice - somewhere between Nick Drake, Neil Young and Ryan Adams - the little refrains that stay in your head." (Hanx.net Review - 4/5) "If you keep listening you will discover the polite beauty of Lawson's songs. Lawson's high, slightly burnished voice glides somewhere between the sound of Neil Young and Devendra Banhart and his lyrics are intelligent, melancholy and spirited. In short, a fine addition to the blossoming Amsterdam folk circuit." (HET PAROOL Review 3.5/5) "Fans of Nick Drake and/or Bright Eyes really need to check this out. A promising debut." (MANIA Mag Review 4/5) "Ross Clark plays acoustic music as if he was fronting a rock group. Eighteen, young enough for the listener to wonder quite where his fantastic lyrics come from; on stage armed with only a mop of hair, an acoustic guitar and huge NHS specs, Clark is a beguiling, captivating figure. Resembling Elvis Costello, his coruscating take on folk shows as much influence from punk as it does from the seminal American label Saddle Creek. Believing that too much acoustic music is performed in a static manner, too torpid to be truly involving, Clarks showmanship, dropping to his knees for a particularly complicated chord or running from the venue to play on the street outside during a song, brings an unexpectedly thrilling passion to his performance. He croons, shrieks and chirps his eloquent, poetic lyrics over his intricate picked or bashed guitar playing. Whilst he insists his music is a-political, just about balance between song and lyric, his bizarre imagery, which has the sheen of the very best poetry, and nave, occasionally arch wit evidences a strange, fertile muse. Young, but certainly not doomed, there is a romance about Ross Clark quite unlike any other musician in Glasgow." (The Skinny) "Ross Clark delivered an absolute stormer of a set, ending up in the crowd and receiving a well deserved standing ovation. Great Stuff." (The Herald) "Ross Clark is a likeable performer of a remarkably young age considering his talent, looking and sounding like Bright eyes trapped in Buddy Holly's body. Although most of the crowd have not yet arrived, he joins those that have on the floor for his final song - entertaining stuff." (is this music?) All for only 3 o_O
  10. hey accountants can be very creative! just look at Enron, its no easy feat to maintain a company by creating virtual subsidiaries with virtual profits to "hide" the actual losses
  11. (ahem.....just in case you didn't noticed Jan's sig) MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/miariddle
  12. A bump for thursday A new member since last years lineup - some banjo and mandolin now! Im looking forward to hearing No Parasan live also.
  13. aye, been rehearsing new songs, rehearsing new stage moves, rehearsing sound checks, rehearsing the silence inbetween the songs....! ?( ?(
  14. www.myspace.com/miariddle www.myspace.com/nopasaran1 www.myspace.com/itsmoreofaflan "A standout act with a bright future, Mia Riddle and Her Band are stars in the making." LVHRD Magazine "Both charming and remarkably intellectual...not a single track should be passed up...as good as it gets." The Owl Mag "a voice to die for."- Last Hours Magazine "An understated gem full of dark beauty." Americana-uk.com Bio: It was a strange one, that first tour. A friends leaky hatchback carried Mia on a crisscrossing journey making stops in some of the more little-traveled destinations that the UK has to offer. "I remember the very first shows of the first tour, I was playing with hardcore and metal bands, and I was like there's no way I'm getting up there, I'm going to be knifed, she told punknews.co.uk. Luckily, no violence befell her, and instead she found herself playing to living rooms and pubs packed with admirers. Three UK tours, three albums, and one full band later, Mia Riddle and Her Band are continuing to gain momentum. Their 2006 full-length album Tigers has garnered universally glowing reviews: If it is a brief trip to bliss you're looking for, Tigers is likely as good as it gets." said The Owl Mag. The band shares the spotlight in a refreshingly generous way; Dans admirable guitar hooks and Davids intuition as a drummer never overshadow and always enhance the material. The songs haunt and surprise, and intelligent arrangements help engender a timeless, original sound. Word of mouth grabbed the attention of acclaimed Brooklyn producer Rod Sherwood (Au Revoir Simone, Pela, Jen Chapin), whos now recording the bands sophomore effort. Hatchet Lake will be an album evoking the porches and stoops of the bands good mother, Brooklyn. Expect stomp-on-the-floor grooves and a new, lusher sound which remains fiercely organic. With the welcome addition of multiinstrumentalist Laurel, the band is pulling off more complex arrangements, more bittersweet harmonies, and evolving beyond the simplicity and delicacy of Tigers. Mia Riddle and Her Band will be road-testing the new material on their summer tour of France and the UK. Look for the four-song EP advance version of Hatchet Lake at shows.
  15. A sortof non-acoustic vocoustic! ?( New band The Nuns from Manchester on their way north for Shetland gigs. Plus FK and KR. o_O "A voice that could cut through wood at ten paces is the first thing that hits you with The Nuns. Then you start to get the clash and jangle of their guitars. Are they a heavy rock band, an indie band or a mix of the two? They serve up a few questions like this and are all the better for it. Quick paced with head banging potential and some pretty shifty riffs." Lupine www.myspace.com/thenuns www.myspace.com/flamingkaty www.myspace.com/kashmirred
  16. sad news, bad news (but mildly amusing that there is a "Vacancy" ad in the window of Fopp just now. ) also this announced today Music industry attacks Sunday newspaper's free Prince CD | | Guardian Unlimited Business imminent edition ?(?(?(
  17. Saw a bit last night, sitting round the table and one says "We all want fame right?" and someone actually said "well Im not actually that bothered" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: but..... you're..... ON BB!?!?!
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