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Everything posted by Sturtpot

  1. The Moorings for best pub, The Priory for best club
  2. Damn those Sociologists with their crazy models
  3. I think there is a difference between the people who can't work and the people that won't work though. Is there not a seperation there?
  4. I think too many negative connotations are associated with "working class" people, when the majority are hard working, honest people, who have jobs or if they don't then actively seek them. It's the "sub-class" that is 'technically' underneith the working class that really bothers me. The class of people who generally can't be fucked looking for work, are happy to have 300 kids and live off the state than fend for themselves. The kind of people who know full well what the results and repercussions of sticking a needle in their arm yet they still do it. These are the kinds of people that carry knives and are happy to live in perpetual squalor, never wanting to improve their lives or help others around them... never aspiring to be better, This is brought around by a sense of complete apathy in which this society festers in. The fact that we don't give a shit about each other and they feel that the state has abandoned them. It's the legacy that this generation has given society (or society has given this generation) and will have to live with for a very, very long time.
  5. Thats rotten that folk would stoop so low. Hunt them down relentlessly until you get the equipment back.
  6. I think Jessops also take passport pictures for you... worth a look.
  7. I haven't been to T in the Park before however I've heard from my mates who are regulars that its just kinda degenerated over the last few years into a musically predictable, drug infused, unsociable, stab-fest... apparently not as good as it was back in the day! I would've liked to have gone to Connect this year, its a shame that its been cancelled. I think its great that we've got a festival like Wizard in the north east that we can call our own. Especially for all those music lovers who can't afford/be bothered to travel to England or abroad... or to Inverness to see one.
  8. Despite the crunch biting into my credit I am still going to be attending the Download Festival this year in June. I'm really looking forward to seeing Trivium, Static-X and the old Limp of Bizkit... I also nearly collapsed when Staind were announced last week lol! Loving the Nu Metal/Old School Rock feel of it this year. Is anyone else attending a festival this summer? Who are you looking forward to seeing or who would you like to see play? Anyone got any quality festival survival tips?
  9. I can't make friday but would've liked to come. Upstairs at Mambo's has the potential to be a really good wee venue for bands up north. I think acoustically it would sound pretty boss too.
  10. I like the fact that you took the time to imagine Pat Butcher naked... lol
  11. Oh yeah, Jessie Wallace... its uncanny!
  12. lol thats just too easy. I was merely pointing it out as Tool are one of the big alternative bands and you think that they would be available to the masses via such a popular medium as itunes.
  13. I've recently just back into Tool myself after a bit of a stint not listening to them. They are truely a superb band, their music does so much with each song being like its own small world. The 10,000 days album is great, love the cover art too. Its just a pity itunes has none of their albums at all... makes no sense to me.
  14. I dunno... I think a combination of Taylor Swift and In Flames could only be a good thing for music.... couldn't it?!!
  15. that is just too good... too too good!
  16. Damn right! This is the best bloody thread on here at the moment.
  17. I would try the tunnels and see what they can do for you. As previously stated, the second room is probably the better option. There's definitely not enough Piano based singer/songwriters out there. I really wish you all the best!
  18. It wasn't their best gig ever I'll grant you that... still thought it was awsome though! But my ears are definitely buggered mate... losing frequencies on an hourly basis!! lol
  19. Just curious about what you expected?
  20. the grouped order you put them in would've been a cool set list too.
  21. The Inbetweeners all the way! Its genuine laugh out loud comedy whereas skins (especially the new series) is the majority of the time cringe-worthy television.
  22. Tim Minchin is a genius! You'd be mad not to check him out. Try his songs: "Inflatable You", "If I didn't Have You" or "Not Perfect"
  23. I hear his dancing comes through very well in Dolby Surround...
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