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Everything posted by Sturtpot

  1. NO FUCKING WAY!! DT and Dream Evil, thats like all my christmas's come at once!
  2. Only saw the first episode and need to get up to date, but it really was funny. I'm so glad the Blacks are still in it. The interaction with the Auntie Rae about the burglers is pure comedy gold!
  3. I love the tension/release aspect of the album, he builds you up to breaking point then knocks you down deliciously. Its fantastically done, a true craftsman. I agree, if you're wanting some of his epic stuff then go for Ziltoid or Ocean Machine
  4. Its a great album like. Addicted which is the second part of the project is out next month. It's supposed to be heavier than Ki, and its also got a reworked version of Hyperdrive from Ziltoid the Omnicient on it, which I just can't wait to hear! Definitely get Ki though, its magic!
  5. The entire Ki album by Devin Townsend gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it, paying particular attention to Terminal, Coast and Distruptr.
  6. Well done guys, glad you had a great time! Thats really good exposure for you. As mentioned previously, I'm really chuffed for you!
  7. Still Alive by Nocturnal Rites. The chorus is absolutely godly, the guys vocals are perfect! An excellent song off an excellent album by an excellent band!!
  8. Well he described us as Power Metal when we're actually just Hard Rock/Heavy Metal, so I will totally agree that any review including this one has to be taken with a pinch of salt. We're just stoked that someones decided to take the time to actually watch and write about us. If even just one person who hadn't heard our music before hears us and gets us as a result of the article then we're more than happy with it. From our youtube and myspace hits it looks like we've had a couple of hundred more than before the article was published so we're really chuffed about that. I also think its great that local Aberdeen bands get featured in national publications, its good for everybody. Thanks for taking the time to read the article though
  9. or for those who can't be arsed buying a copy lol.... Coldplay, Codeine Velvet Club, David Gray, Jet and more in our gig review. | News Of The World
  10. Excellent dude, thanks! I've just no idea when it comes to this particular field of music.
  11. If you're popping down the shops today pick up a copy of the News of the World and turn to page 4 of the music section to find a write-up of Shotgun Dawn's gig at the Tunnels on Wednesday. Its a better review than I hoped for, plus its got a picture of Gary's face beside it too. We're apparently "worth watching" so its all good like Cheers guys Stu
  12. I am currently doing a concept music project with my mate that requires a lot of ambient sounds in between tracks to link them together. Does anybody know any good software that is good for creating ambient music? Cheers Stu
  13. No, mass murderers should be refused compassion from anyone. He knew what he was doing when he killed all those innocent people. Seems like a slap in the face to all the families of the victims if he is released.
  14. In Flames - Swim Static-X - Black and White Mastodon - Oblivion Porcupine Tree - Futile to name but a few...
  15. Caught the end of their set at Download, they seemed pretty tight but the sound was mixed well too low for some reason. Can't say I've heard much of their newer stuff, there was a single they released off their last album that was really good though. I just feel that they'll never be a band that breaks out of the mould they created for themselves due to people not really taking them seriously anymore.
  16. I see nothing wrong with continuing a story with characters you enjoy watching. I really quite enjoy sequels. What I don't enjoy is studio's flogging a franchise to death turning the thing you originally loved into something that you feel ashamed to be watching e.g. see any horror franchise featuring more than 3 films from the 80's onwards.
  17. Not sure about the Colonial Marines game, haven't heard much about that. I know they're making an AvP3 game though (I'm sure there was a thread on this site about it a couple of months back)
  18. True, the alien might be hybrid of the Space Jockey... as when they're investigating him they mention his chest is broken outwards. Yeah I agree, Alien 3 is a good film. The Directors Cut is what I consider to be the true version film though. It adds so much more to the story and changes things around a little so they make more sense.
  19. This prequel has been in the works for a while now. I quite like the fact that they're going to be focussing on the Space Jockey and going back to the start. My trepidation with making another Alien film is how do you make them scary again? The AvP movies have turned a really iconic cinematic monster into a cartoon parody of itself. I'm sure Ridley Scott will do a good job, of that I have no doubt, however I'm not sure how he will give the creature new life.
  20. Not unless they installed a body-kit on the shuttle... then it would stand a chance
  21. Dave Lamb is the man! Best voiceover guy ever
  22. Titmouse... due to me giggling at that word for ages as a drunken 17 year old Moosehunter... for (regretably) going through a patch of banging several munters a few years back. Not my finest hours...
  23. Yeah there's something quite dodgy about the basement. There's definitely a weird atmosphere down there. Someone once told me that theres a massive hole in the ground at the far end, like a small well or something. Is that true? I've never had the balls to venture far enough in to find out...
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