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Everything posted by Christy

  1. 'Masonry' by Rob McLure Smith 'Nessun Dorma' by Alan Spence Absolutely tremendous. I love them more than trumpets and kangaroos love from christy
  2. Birdmin, Is that a Beck quote at the end of your post? Or am I reading too much into it. If it is, I salute you. If not, carry on... Love from christy
  3. I love 10 Easy Wishes Sometimes as often as four times a night Any more and I run out of steam and need to sleep love from christy
  4. No need to apologise. Just don't make a habit of it:D love from christy
  5. Fuck really need to work on ma accuracy:laughing: love from christy
  6. Surely Eddison and the Little Kicks? And My Mind's Weapon too. The only bands who really seem to be going anywhere at the moment love from christy
  7. First Aberdeen gig, Camie. I promise not to hit you in the eye with anymore drumsticks. Sorry about that. I'll try it with a cymbal next time love from christy
  8. Word up Spoonster. Long time no viddy. The Edgar Prais features myself, Kris and Steven. Interestingly, the first time we all met was when de Barros and Liber8 played a gig in Laurencekirk at your behest. This is the Prais' first gig. Should be a banger. The Welles got dinghied from the bill because we're already playing with Fickle Public at Drummonds a month prior. Brian, fearing my wrath, invited the Prais to fill in, meaning the Fudge Awards will still have a Christy flavour. And that flavour is spaff. Love from christy
  9. My hunch is that Strachan will drop Stephen McManus or big Bobo and play Keane at centre-half, thus allowing Lennon to sit in midfield. But I might be wrong. Either way, he'll be a great signing for the junglejims. Just the sort to glavanise the team. I reckon they'll win the title at a canter love from christy
  10. PS, I saw the video to his new single last night. It contains the lyric....wait for it...... ...I know you well/ I know your smell I fucking kid you not! Well maybe I misheard but I could swear that's what he sang. I near spaffed mysel in excitement. How can anyone so fundamentally shit have the best selling elpee of the year? love from christy
  11. I mean you'll get yr girlfriend and two friends one day. Just hang in there, keep trying. Keep speaking to people. We're all rooting for you love from christy
  12. Hang in there, son. You'll get them one day Love from christy
  13. Goddamn right that's a great lineup. Unfortunately I'll be out at the fambly abode and unable to make it. Three of my top five local bands in one night tho - cannae argue with that! love from christy
  14. I got Slow Train Coming on vinyl in a charity shop a couple weeks back. Perhaps Dylan's finest work love from christy
  15. Not bad?! Don't do yerself a disservice-that's perfect! Mine came out as bAGofsPAFFff think ma computer's trying to tell me sumpin? love from christy
  16. I was going to ask you the same thing. The word 'cunt' originated in the UK the 1840s as a derogatory term for those from different shores (or 'c{o}unt'ries). The origins of it's affiliation to the female clunge, however, is unknown. love from christy
  17. Fuck ma boots! Many people talk about bands/artists/cockbadgers that they don't like on this site. That's why it exists. Are you on James Cunt's (oops, did it again) payroll? love from christy
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