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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Pardon my ignornace. What's that. I'd go for volcano! myself. What do I know?
  2. What we need and haven't got: Flyers/Bill posters, definitely. I really don't understand how the council want to create a buzz yet ban one of the very best ways of creating this. Listing magazine. Comprhesive, like The List or one of the numerous freebies which seem to exist in Glasgow/Edinburgh. If the GC Guide is heading that way so much the better. Better media coverage, Press and Radio. I can't believe, with the amount of good stuff going on, that an interesting what's on/magazine type programme could be made by someone (Northsound even) and broadcast on rotation on the internet. Nothing there which hasn't been said before.
  3. Ok guys, less tetchiness. We're all in this together...aren't we?! I thought 65 Days Of Static were just fine in Moshulu.
  4. For all those who didn't know this gig was on, I'm curious to know how you do find out about what's happening. Where would you have looked to hear about 65 Days Of Static?
  5. That's a very valid point. Glad you want to go to the Sonic Boom one though.
  6. Surely there must be something else? Juana Molina Tunng Akron/Family Adem Schneider TM Gravenhurst Kieran Hebden (Fourtet) & Steve Reid Bill Wells & Tape
  7. Poor excuse! They bands got here. 65 Days surrogate father was also in attendance. Ha Ha Ha..cool!
  8. I might just do that. Still swithering between this and The Tunnels.
  9. Fudge or James Blunt? It's between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea!
  10. If anyone has a spare ticket for any of these performance can you PM me please?
  11. Polar Bear definitely, missed them last time. Probably some of The Tunnels gigs just to see how jazz goes there.
  12. Yeah..what? Unless it's because Found have finished recording an album and it will be released soon and there will be gigs to promote it. But it's not that is it?
  13. Not coming here during Tryptych because of the "Aberdeen" factor!
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