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Everything posted by groovy

  1. yay to the band for letting us stay inside who was it i was sticking flyers to? I'm sorry for being all crazy.
  2. give a thought to us poor street teamers that'll be standing outside in the snow handing out flyers that are just going to get thrown away If you'd like to be kind... some hot chocolate wouldn't go a miss
  3. my great aunt was in hospital about 6 months back or something cause she'd taken a stroke due to smoking, the way she was struggling to breathe and that was really scary. My gran was also in hospital not long ago because of smoking, she had like hardening of the arteries or something. Both of them were told to quit smoking, which they managed to do for a bit, yet both of them started again. I just don't understand it
  4. groovy


    man you should do what i do and wander around talking to other people on their own... it's both fun and interesting
  5. yup, i havent done any gigs in a while, not even sure why i said i'd do, they seemed really desperate for people
  6. haha I am on the guestlist tis me + 2 others, I've got one friend coming so just need to find someone else
  7. if only when neds started on you, you could use the spaced method to help escape (ie the pretend guns)
  8. Perhaps... I swear to god it better not be raining on sunday or snowing
  9. They can't do this to me... they just can't... Next they'll be coming for our vinyl collections in an attempt to erase it all from history NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  10. ooo I should be street teaming for steriogram on sunday
  11. not very? Well I don't think it's sold out or anything yet.
  12. you probably don't, although if you were to melt chocolate onto them then you would. Everyone's a winner that way
  13. I thought you did, or is this just me imagining things again?
  14. those digestive biscuit things with caramel... soooooo tasty
  15. I made myself some cookies today, and seeing as I've just had such a shit day I intend to eat them all myself, god i'm going to get fat.
  16. I got two e-cards... e-cards suck it's like "oh look I feel sorry for you being single and all, and seeing as you're my friend I'll give you a card, but instead of paying for a REAL one, I'll just sent you a crapily animated internet one"
  17. i may end up working at that if I can be bothered, i think i need to go listen to more of their stuff though
  18. groovy


    oh god don't get me started on spaced, i really want to go watch the dvds now. skip to the end...
  19. oh god I think I've heard of this Roger bloke, he's been mentioned a few times in conversations i've had with my friends and everytime I ask who he is, I always get the same reply "you don't want to know, and if you ever do find out who he is, you'll wish you hadn't"
  20. buy me a drink and you can have some points heehee I like Lesters avatar as well although I should maybe stop giving points to people for their avatars.
  21. no sorry I don't think I do... could it have been hit the button and click I approve or whatever it said when I gave you some points? does that sentence even make sense? oh well
  22. you deserve points for your avatar... it rocks
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