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Monk Rocker

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Everything posted by Monk Rocker

  1. Christ, I've not heard anybody mention White Lion for a good few years!!!!
  2. No publicity is bad publicity! I'd certainly go and see you guys soley on the back of this thread. Aberdeen has a reputation as a town full of meanies, and an Aberdonian could feed a family of 4 for a month on 9!!!! Get your asses up to Inverness, and I'm sure you'd have a great night! We don't get any gigs up here:down:
  3. Yeah he does sound a total jobsworth! I've never been a fan of internet tabs as they are so inaccurate, and folk that learn to play that way can only play a collection of songs with no understanding of the theory behind them. I can't see how the artists are losing money from them either? I hate them, but let them stay!!
  4. The end could be near for tabs on the net. click here What's folk's thoughts on this?
  5. I'm usually a big advocate of buying the best instrument you can buy, but for the sort of money you are thinking of I'd also be recommending a starter pack. At least you will get a bit of a warranty with it. Take someone who can play along with you if you can, and ask advice in the shop. Don't be afraid to have a pluvck at it, even if it's just to hold it. And get something you like the look of too. If you hate looking at your guitar you won't want to play it.....
  6. Stuck in a Seymour Duncan JB.jr and it does the job nicely!
  7. Dunno if most folk have seen it before, but I found an interview with Vinnie Paul click here Quite touching.....
  8. What qualifications/experience do either of you have?
  9. Yes, much more eloquently put than I could have done. Had this thread simply been showing some respect for Dime, then I would have responded with a big heads up to him. I can't remember what I was doing the day Dime died, but I remember what I was doing when Lennon died......
  10. Oh this thread has made me very angry. We are allowed to disrespect the death of one legend (Lennon), but not another (Dimebag)? Some pretty neat double strandards, eh? So much for the new site and more stringent moderating. COI - I was as influenced by Lennon as I was by Dimebag
  11. Bass Warwick Streamer Jazzman 5-string Warwick Corvette Standard 4-string Musicman Stingray 4-string Stagg Fretless Guitar Tokai Strat Epiphone Les Paul Epiphone Explorer Amps Fender Bassman 135 with 2x15 cab Trace Elliot V-type 1x15 Trace Elliot BLX-80 Marshall JCM2000 DSL401 Effects Boss ME-50B EBS Octabass Marshall Shredmaster Jim Dunlop Crybaby wah-wah
  12. They were pretty funny supporting Jamiroquai, but the foxy drummer more than made up for it.............
  13. The thing I don't understand about this thread is why someone would go about tabbing a Nickleback song in the first place;)
  14. Not the best in a live environement, but my fiancee acts as a very efficient noise surpressor. Hiding the kettle leads works a treat:D
  15. Looks like I'll be giving either the Hot Rails or jb.jr a try!!!
  16. The bridge pickup on my strat sounds a wee bitty on the thin side, and I want something beefy!! I don't really have a clue about pickups, and was thinking of replacing it, but with what is the question?.......
  17. Just to be sure.... Drop C - guitar tuned C, G, C, F, A, D yeah? With heavier strings, ie 10 - 52's or 11/12's then you shouldn't need to adjust the truss rod, and unless you know exactly what you're doing, I'd recommend against it. I changed my strat from 10's to 9's last night and it took a good while of tuning until it finally settled so be patient.......
  18. What kind of bridge does your guitar have? A floating bridge will take a bit of time to settle down, and you will need to use pretty heavy strings to play in drop C and might need to adjust the spring tension in the bridge if its floating. I've used 10 - 52's and played in drop C with a fixed bridge with no problems......
  19. Aye, that's them. They were funny as fuck. But then I turned it off as it was total pish.
  20. Yeah, I agree that most of the virtuoso's songs are pretty gash. I far prefer listening to Vai in a band context. I actually love the Whitesnake album he played on!! I had that Dream Theatre album in my hand in town on Saturday, but put it back on the shelf incase it was shit! Guess I'm off up to Borders tonight!! Jason Becker? Name rings a bell..... Who does he play with?
  21. What other guitar players other than Yngwie should I check out? I was going to get some Dream Theatre, but not sure which albums to get......
  22. Liam Gallagher. He sounds like shit now that he can't pronounce hard vowel sounds properly since getting his teeth knocked out......
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