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Moshulu Rob

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Posts posted by Moshulu Rob

  1. the other day I had a chicken and pepper Pizza sitting on top of the oven while I waited for it to heat up, so I could have my tea.

    My Cat hopped up, didn't fancy the peppers so he knocked them on the floor, ate the chicken and left paw prints in the cheese. WHen I found it I showed it to him, gave him a smacked bottom (only gently) and put him outside.

    An hour later I let him back in, thinking he would have learned a lesson. As soon as my back was turned he hopped up and did a big piss all over the top of the stove to teach me a lesson. Which was nice.

    What makes it worse is that he was obviously holding it in while he was outside so he would be ready when he got back in.

  2. He's got the money, you'd think he'd just get them fixed. I mean, just how scared of a dentist can you be?

    He could just get knocked out and have them all fixed in a oner.

    Did you see the episode of the Osbournes where Ozzy goes to have his teeth polished and he's like 'more gas' 'OK Mr Osbourne' 'More gas' 'Erm OK Mr Osbourne' ' More Fucking Gas' 'It doesn't go any higher Mr Osbourne'

  3. I had a visit from nice lady from some group set up to support the licensed trade.

    She explained how the smoking ban would probably put us out of business and it was there duty to help us out. She gave me some petitions to get signed and suggested I only give them to people who would be interested in having the ban stopped... the clear implication being people smoking a fag.

    I contested that I didn't think it would really affect business, and that even though I smoke myself the only reason we allowed it was because I thought we would see an overall net loss of sales as people went ot other smoking bars, which they couldn't do if it was banned everywhere. She looked at me like I was mad and said 'but have you seen the studies from Ireland and NY'?

    then I asked who paid her wages, she was really reticent to tell me, but did finally concede that it was BAT, or British American Tobacco.

    Which I found interesting, because there was no way she wanted to tell me that.

  4. I've been reading that in the states and counties with electronic voting and no paper audit trail there is a 5% swing to bush compared to the exit polls. Where there is an audit trail the exit poll accurately reflects the declared result.

    Which is no great suprise considering the CEO of the company makes the machines promised to 'deliver the vote to the President in 2004'

  5. we now have application forms for citizen cards in the Bar of the Bassment and at the door in Moshulu.

    All you need is to get a responsible person (Doctor, Dentist, Teacher/Tutor, Policeman, sheriff etc etc) to sign the form, send it off with a photo and 7 and you get photo id back in a week.

    So you don't need to carry passport or driving license with you when you go out.

    Which is nice

  6. As much as I despise Thatcher and everything she stood for, I don't think you can blame her for the Belgrano. War is shit, and the only rule is to kill them before they kill you. I would of ordered it sunk too.

    Bloody Sunday is entirely the politicians fault, you can't blame the Para's, the government spends years and thousands of pounds teaching them to be killers and then all of a sudden expects them to become policemen. Kind of like a farmer putting a fox in charge of guarding the chicken pen. When the chickens get eaten it's the farmers fault not the fox's.

    And I think in the circumstances Dresden is probably defensible too.

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