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Everything posted by huntedbyafreak

  1. I didn't see what all the fuss was about personally. They were good but they weren't THAT good.
  2. I'd like to buy an internet, ya bawbag.
  3. You don't have a dead aunt. You don't have any family. You're a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong. A failure of modern science. Somebody shat in your test-tube. xxxxxx
  4. That's harsh that is. You'll never get your scarf back that way.
  5. I should be along to this... Never got to see them at Shift so I'm really trying to make it along this time. I'll even try to get down early because I'd probably enjoy it more with a table...
  6. I will take that! I'm absolutely over the moon with it. I couldn't stop grinning earlier. Brilliant. Fuck Chelsea.
  7. I think you should send me it. Because I will love it. Oh yes. Pelican > You.
  8. You could be right there... 2-0 would have been a whole different game. But I think we can score over there as well... My gut instinct says 2-1 Juve but obviously that does nobody any good. Could be looking at a long night...
  9. Jesus, was it that late? I must have been feeling fairly inspired to function at that time of the morning.
  10. I'm quite nervous. I think Liverpool could make it through but it would be an absolutely monumental achievement. I managed to call last weeks result but I don't even know whats going to happen tonight. I've been wandering around all day getting excited thinking about the game.... What do you chaps think?
  11. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!! My finest hour.
  12. I'll be buying this methinks... First album is great and from what everyone has been saying, In The Woods will shit on its chest. Can't wait to see him live again as well. BOSS.
  13. You'll never see that taxi ever again. You were probably hallucinating. Nothing could be that cool with the possible exception of a Fudge Award that says "Fudge For Jesus 2005" on the back.
  14. I just got my loan in... I was wondering what to buy! That was some fine hat-wearing, Maxwell.
  15. I remember they had this ongoing joke saying that they were selling fake beards at their shows... I'd pay good money for that!
  16. You must be rich to get a SM flat... Those things ain't cheap.
  17. Haha that's brilliant. Same rejection letter as many other people I imagine...
  18. I thought that added to it... It's just a good thing that the tin was never opened. What a night though... Totally classic. Still trying to piece it together...
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