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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. was he the one that sang on the acoustic track passed around MSN?
  2. what's this, unbroken silence have gone emo on us?!
  3. Bit of a waste of time, seeing as the person that submitted the application for the march has been arrested... Shame I didn't know of this in advance, I'd be there to protest against United Against Fascism - also known as the ANL in a crap disguise. I may just pop along to see what they've got to say though..but I find it disgusting that such a blatant political organisation as them has been allowed to use the Arts Centre to further their own motives
  4. les, wanna go for a pint sometime soon? (you won't say no..hehe)
  5. Cloud


    Thing is, is it healthy for bands to just be playing a few gigs locally here and there? I'm no expert on the music scene here, but if people keep seeing the names popping up, then surely the scene will slowly degenerate? I can think of a few bands who get the "for fucks sake, they're playing far too much, i'm sick of them" treatment. Fair enough, Bench aren't one of those bands though - they just seem to play sporadically here and there, but never anywhere else. Maybe what I was trying to say is that there's wasted potential there - but if they're happy playing support slots to bands in the Lemon Tree/Drummonds, then so be it. Bench do strike me as being decidedly average despite the talent of Tim and Graham (Granite, anyone? that was a band who struck me as being ace) - but hey, instead of sitting on here criticising, I'll go see them again and revaluate what I'm saying. Who knows, I might suddenly love them *opens can of worms* Actually, this has made me realise something...who *is* the next big thing Aberdeen-wise?
  6. can i have your job? *sigh* by christmas, i'm going to be working 9-5 (or close to that), sleeping, going out to work (certain nights of the week), then coming back in and sleeping. it's going to be hell
  7. no, because there isn't anyone at the cash desk
  8. far as i know, this should be the last week...
  9. Cloud


    Bench are another one of those bands that people will rave about locally, but do absolutely nothing of note and instead concentrate on being just another fish in the pond that is Aberdeen. Seriously, how long have bench been on the go now? I remeber their first gig at the old drakes, and yet where exactly have they gone since then? Move out of the way and let others through is my opinion.
  10. Not all the clubs have done - Exodus/Moshulu for instance regularly charged below the minimum price. Without going into the nitty gritty, I don't think there's many places that haven't had to raise their prices for something on a certain night.
  11. Not this stupid twat again... Would anyone be so stupid as to take someone seriously who used a @hotmail.com address and had a clik.to domain?
  12. will this not be the last week of cheap drinks on a monday too? *gets excited*
  13. *drool* nightwish and excellent playlist young psydoll, let's see if you can beat it this friday with me breathing WBL/Biffy Clyro/Manics/Nightwish/Sonata Arctica requests down your neck
  14. Edinburgh is horrific for drinks prices though!
  15. Oh man, I could rant about this subject all day - so I'll quote stuff in order as I see it and reply to it that way. First and foremost' date=' it's going to affect venues that rely on cheap drinks to get people through the door - places like the Ministry/Priory are especially going to suffer on the dead nights that haven't been built up in any way and which rely on the drinks promos to get people in. I *think* this may actually be an underhanded way of reducing the amount of clubs and pubs in the city centre without having to present a legal challenge to new licences. I definitely don't see the venues surviving which rely on cheap drinks and free entry to get people through the door - Epic in particular is going to have to take a long, hard look at themselves. Luminar should be allright, Liquid has already moved away from drinks promos, Jumpin Jaks seem to have hit some good fortune lately and CRC's is always steady (and expensive)..however, I wonder how long the Cotton Club/Bardot's will last without being able to use cheap drinks to entice people. Triple Kirks/Exodus might suffer if they don't use some business sense - and it wouldn't surprise me if they saw the pound signs in being able to put their drinks prices up beyond the minimum and just "blame the law". Anywhere that's student friendly will suffer really - if everywhere's charging the same, then it becomes a matter of personal preference over financial considerations, which should help the nich places down the line. All in all, there may very well be casualties as the corporate big shots won't want to keep subsidising loss making clubs that struggle to reinvent themselves. As for the prices themselves, 1.75 for a pint is fine, but it seems slightly odd that you'll still be able to get a double vodka and coke for 2.40 - again, what's the bets that the chain places will just do "vodka and coke 1.50, make it a double for 2.50", which isn't exactly far off what it is at the minute. I don't actually think the prices were well thought out at all - the gap between a pint/alcopop and a shot seems slightly too much in my opinion. It's just going to lead to people drinking more at home, which in turn means people are drunk on the streets earlier, so the violence is going to spread across the night or even possibly increase as a result. Of course, the official figures will be doctored to make it sound like it's a success - just like what they'll do to justify not granting any extensions to licences this year. I was looking forward to finishing work at 1:30 and staying in Moshulu until 4am, but alas, no can do.
  16. o_O are you seriously deluded? Kurt's voice wasn't great (it was known to fail him fairly regularly, and i don't think anyone could say that it was a particularly great voice), his guitar playing wasn't exactly amazing (wow, sorry, a few chords...could he play big fuckoff solos? doubt it..)..at the end of the day, he was in the right place at the right time. Kurt Cobain was probably culturally the most important person of the 90's - he was the voice of a generation, and a significant number of people lived through his words..but as a *musician*, he wasn't particularly great.
  17. Did he? It's subjective..he wrote songs that connected with a generation, but in terms of actual ability, his songs were rudimentary at best. I doubt his actual musical ability was that impressive - and somehow, I doubt he had masses of understanding of musical theory.
  18. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cultures/straight-edge-faq/section-64.html let that be a definitive answer. fugazi are mentioned as being "emo" in a straight edge FAQ, hence...well, they must be.
  19. Cloud

    Emo Hair

    hoi! how dare you take MY dallas home with you
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