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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Graham


    There's an Ibanez lofi pedal. I remember seeing one in Bruce Millars. R&B might have as well. Not tried it though.
  2. Scott also teaches guitar at Aberdeen College.
  3. Yeah, they were pretty good. Some more stuff of the first album would of been nice such as Cave or Uno, but it was still good. I liked the bit at the end where Matt just casually pulled bits away from the drum kit!
  4. I thought you said you hadn't seen us? But to be honest I'm glad you don't like us.
  5. I love Gibson guitars and Fender basses. I have 2 Gibson Les Paul Deluxes. One is from the 70's and the other is a reissue from 1999 I think. Both sound great and are pretty solid. The Deluxes have mini humbuckers which give a brighter sound to normal humbuckers and sound really nice when played with a clean sound, but they are still powerful when played with distortion. I like Fender guitars as well though. I have a 70's Strat which has a really nice clean sound, although when distorted its a bit buzzy. I really like Fender basses. I have a Precision which is a 60's reissue from the 80's I think. It has a really nice sound and feels good to play. Also very solid. I recently bought an old Squire Precision from Cash Converters and its really nice as well.
  6. Echomind Bench Film 28# Turning 13 and quite a few others I cant remember just now.
  7. Clubs. The sound at Stadium gigs can be a bit shit depending where about in the stadium you are, and you don't always get a good view of the band.
  8. It said on their site it should be finished by autumn. They also said that the new albums "is going to be full of pop songs, because our last album was so heavy." So it'll be interesting to see what they come up with.
  9. I don't think they have any tours over here planned. But I'm hoping they might when the new albums out!
  10. I love Sigur Rs. I like ( ) and gtis Byrjun pretty much the same. I really like the concept of ( ) like with the untitled tracks and things. I also like the way there are no actual lyrics on that album. Jnsi sings it all in a language he made up. Alot of the phrases are repeated in different songs. I heard some of Von but I wasn't that impressed. They should be finished their next album by autumn according to their website.
  11. I was at the very back of the top stand opposite the stage and I could hardly hear anything. Unfortunately missed most of Ash, I'm not really a fan of n.e.r.d and the Chilli's were really good apart from the sound from where I was.
  12. Use Your Fists (And Not Your Mouth) - Turning 13 Instrument - Turning 13 2 Echomind songs which I don't know the names of, but ones a sort of Mogwai styled instrumental and the others a bit like Coldplay. The Burning Bush - Bench
  13. Sounds pretty interesting. I think I will give it a listen when it comes out.
  14. King Crimson!? I like it! But I'm glad you got it all sorted out with the band stuff. I'll give you a phone soon.
  15. Graham


    Thought Echomind were excellent on Monday night. Looking forward to the next gig!
  16. They look good! Do you have any other ones of Bench?
  17. It was 55. I expected it to be alot more as I payed the same for an OC-2. You can play chords, but sometimes it sounds a bit messy. It seems to be able to handle 4 notes at one. It also has a bass input which is really good as it picks up all the notes fine. There's one in R&B just now I think.
  18. I just bought one of those new Boss octave pedals and its quite good. There's a polyoctave thing on it and you can play more than one note at the same time. There's also a drive thing so you can distort it.
  19. Graham


    There was a saxophone in the window of Cash Converters for 300 I think.
  20. Yeah, I think they are really good. Unfortunately I couldn't make the gig last night but I was at their other two gigs and thought both were good. I like the way their music changes, like it goes from sounding similar to Coldplay to been a bit like Mogwai, then there's the Pink Floyd styled stuff etc. I think they are playing at Drummonds on the 7th June, although I could be wrong.
  21. Yeah, the Microkorg is pretty easy to use. I've not even read the instructions properly yet as I was pretty much able to switch it on and get good sounds straight away. You can edit the patches on it but I haven't tried to as its got all the sounds I want already. Its also got a vocoder which is good.
  22. I like using both. I tend to use a pick most of the time though as I use distortion alot and I prefer distortion with a pick, but if there's a part of a song where I'm just using a clean sound I'll use my fingers.
  23. I hate the distortion on my AVT100. Plus the distortion channels seem really quiet. I can get a nice clean sound from it though.
  24. The MicroKorg is really good. I use one live and for recording. Lots of really good sounding presets which can all be edited. As well as synth sounds there's also a cool Fender Rhodes piano sound and some organ sounds. I got it online here for 269.99.
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